#ifndef STK_SIMPLE_H #define STK_SIMPLE_H #include "Instrmnt.h" #include "ADSR.h" #include "FileLoop.h" #include "OnePole.h" #include "BiQuad.h" #include "Noise.h" namespace stk { /***************************************************/ /*! \class Simple \brief STK wavetable/noise instrument. This class combines a looped wave, a noise source, a biquad resonance filter, a one-pole filter, and an ADSR envelope to create some interesting sounds. Control Change Numbers: - Filter Pole Position = 2 - Noise/Pitched Cross-Fade = 4 - Envelope Rate = 11 - Gain = 128 by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995-2011. */ /***************************************************/ class Simple : public Instrmnt { public: //! Class constructor. /*! An StkError will be thrown if the rawwave path is incorrectly set. */ Simple( void ); //! Class destructor. ~Simple( void ); //! Clear internal states. void clear( void ); //! Set instrument parameters for a particular frequency. void setFrequency( StkFloat frequency ); //! Start envelope toward "on" target. void keyOn( void ); //! Start envelope toward "off" target. void keyOff( void ); //! Start a note with the given frequency and amplitude. void noteOn( StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude ); //! Stop a note with the given amplitude (speed of decay). void noteOff( StkFloat amplitude ); //! Perform the control change specified by \e number and \e value (0.0 - 128.0). void controlChange( int number, StkFloat value ); //! Compute and return one output sample. StkFloat tick( unsigned int channel = 0 ); //! Fill a channel of the StkFrames object with computed outputs. /*! The \c channel argument must be less than the number of channels in the StkFrames argument (the first channel is specified by 0). However, range checking is only performed if _STK_DEBUG_ is defined during compilation, in which case an out-of-range value will trigger an StkError exception. */ StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel = 0 ); protected: ADSR adsr_; FileLoop *loop_; OnePole filter_; BiQuad biquad_; Noise noise_; StkFloat baseFrequency_; StkFloat loopGain_; }; inline StkFloat Simple :: tick( unsigned int ) { lastFrame_[0] = loopGain_ * loop_->tick(); biquad_.tick( noise_.tick() ); lastFrame_[0] += (1.0 - loopGain_) * biquad_.lastOut(); lastFrame_[0] = filter_.tick( lastFrame_[0] ); lastFrame_[0] *= adsr_.tick(); return lastFrame_[0]; } inline StkFrames& Simple :: tick( StkFrames& frames, unsigned int channel ) { unsigned int nChannels = lastFrame_.channels(); #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_) if ( channel > frames.channels() - nChannels ) { oStream_ << "Simple::tick(): channel and StkFrames arguments are incompatible!"; handleError( StkError::FUNCTION_ARGUMENT ); } #endif StkFloat *samples = &frames[channel]; unsigned int j, hop = frames.channels() - nChannels; if ( nChannels == 1 ) { for ( unsigned int i=0; i