CXX=g++ INCLUDES= UNAME := $(shell uname) ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) FLAGS=-D__LINUX_ALSASEQ__ -D__UNIX_JACK__ -c LIBS=-lasound -lpthread -ljack -lstdc++ -lm -L. -lxtract -lfftw3f endif ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) FLAGS=-D__MACOSX_CORE__ -c LIBS=-framework CoreAudio -framework CoreMIDI -framework CoreFoundation \ -framework IOKit -framework Carbon -framework OpenGL \ -framework GLUT -framework Foundation \ -framework AppKit -lstdc++ -lm -lxtract endif # this is needed by some oscpack sources INC_PATH = -I./ # executable TARGET = features # build binaries from sources in all these directories VPATH = osc ip ip/posix # the binary objects to compile OBJ_FILES = \ main.o \ RtAudio.o \ # Build executable ${TARGET} : ${OBJ_FILES} ${CXX} -o ${TARGET} ${OBJ_FILES} ${LIBS} # Build C objects (uses substitution) %.o: %.c ${CXX} ${FLAGS} ${INC_PATH} -c $< -o $@ # Build C++objects (uses substitution) %.o: %.cpp ${CXX} ${FLAGS} ${INC_PATH} -c $< -o $@ # Clean up build clean : rm -f ${OBJ_FILES} rm -f ${TARGET} rm -f *~