#include "SKINI.msg" namespace stk { #define __SK_MaxMsgTypes_ 80 struct SkiniSpec { char messageString[32]; long type; long data2; long data3; }; /* SEE COMMENT BLOCK AT BOTTOM FOR FIELDS AND USES */ /* MessageString , type, data2, data3 */ struct SkiniSpec skini_msgs[__SK_MaxMsgTypes_] = { {"NoteOff" , __SK_NoteOff_, SK_DBL, SK_DBL}, {"NoteOn" , __SK_NoteOn_, SK_DBL, SK_DBL}, {"PolyPressure" , __SK_PolyPressure_, SK_DBL, SK_DBL}, {"ControlChange" , __SK_ControlChange_, SK_INT, SK_DBL}, {"ProgramChange" , __SK_ProgramChange_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"AfterTouch" , __SK_AfterTouch_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"ChannelPressure" ,__SK_ChannelPressure_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"PitchWheel" , __SK_PitchWheel_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"PitchBend" , __SK_PitchBend_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"PitchChange" , __SK_PitchChange_, SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"Clock" , __SK_Clock_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"Undefined" , 249, NOPE, NOPE}, {"SongStart" , __SK_SongStart_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"Continue" , __SK_Continue_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"SongStop" , __SK_SongStop_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"Undefined" , 253, NOPE, NOPE}, {"ActiveSensing" , __SK_ActiveSensing_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"SystemReset" , __SK_SystemReset_, NOPE, NOPE}, {"Volume" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Volume_ , SK_DBL}, {"ModWheel" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ModWheel_ , SK_DBL}, {"Modulation" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Modulation_ , SK_DBL}, {"Breath" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Breath_ , SK_DBL}, {"FootControl" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_FootControl_ , SK_DBL}, {"Portamento" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Portamento_ , SK_DBL}, {"Balance" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Balance_ , SK_DBL}, {"Pan" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Pan_ , SK_DBL}, {"Sustain" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Sustain_ , SK_DBL}, {"Damper" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Damper_ , SK_DBL}, {"Expression" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Expression_ , SK_DBL}, {"NoiseLevel" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_NoiseLevel_ , SK_DBL}, {"PickPosition" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_PickPosition_ , SK_DBL}, {"StringDamping" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_StringDamping_ , SK_DBL}, {"StringDetune" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_StringDetune_ , SK_DBL}, {"BodySize" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_BodySize_ , SK_DBL}, {"BowPressure" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_BowPressure_ , SK_DBL}, {"BowPosition" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_BowPosition_ , SK_DBL}, {"BowBeta" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_BowBeta_ , SK_DBL}, {"ReedStiffness" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ReedStiffness_ , SK_DBL}, {"ReedRestPos" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ReedRestPos_ , SK_DBL}, {"FluteEmbouchure" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_FluteEmbouchure_ , SK_DBL}, {"LipTension" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_LipTension_ , SK_DBL}, {"StrikePosition" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_StrikePosition_ , SK_DBL}, {"StickHardness" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_StickHardness_ , SK_DBL}, {"TrillDepth" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_TrillDepth_ , SK_DBL}, {"TrillSpeed" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_TrillSpeed_ , SK_DBL}, {"Strumming" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Strumming_ , 127 }, {"NotStrumming" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_Strumming_ , 0 }, {"PlayerSkill" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_PlayerSkill_ , SK_DBL}, {"Chord" , __SK_Chord_ , SK_DBL, SK_STR}, {"ChordOff" , __SK_ChordOff_ , SK_DBL, NOPE}, {"ShakerInst" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , SK_DBL}, {"Maraca" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 0 }, {"Sekere" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 1 }, {"Cabasa" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 2 }, {"Bamboo" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 3 }, {"Waterdrp" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 4 }, {"Tambourn" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 5 }, {"Sleighbl" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 6 }, {"Guiro" , __SK_ControlChange_, __SK_ShakerInst_ , 7 }, {"OpenFile" , 256, SK_STR, NOPE}, {"SetPath" , 257, SK_STR, NOPE}, {"FilePath" , __SK_SINGER_FilePath_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"Frequency" , __SK_SINGER_Frequency_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"NoteName" , __SK_SINGER_NoteName_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"VocalShape" , __SK_SINGER_Shape_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"Glottis" , __SK_SINGER_Glot_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"VoicedUnVoiced" , __SK_SINGER_VoicedUnVoiced_, SK_DBL, SK_STR}, {"Synthesize" , __SK_SINGER_Synthesize_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"Silence" , __SK_SINGER_Silence_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"RndVibAmt" , __SK_SINGER_RndVibAmt_ , SK_STR, NOPE}, {"VibratoAmt" , __SK_ControlChange_ ,__SK_SINGER_VibratoAmt_,SK_DBL}, {"VibFreq" , __SK_ControlChange_ ,__SK_SINGER_VibFreq_ ,SK_DBL} }; /** FORMAT: *************************************************************/ /* */ /* MessageStr$ , type, data2, data3, */ /* */ /* type is the message type sent back from the SKINI line parser. */ /* data is either */ /* NOPE : field not used, specifically, there aren't going */ /* to be any more fields on this line. So if there */ /* is NOPE in data2, data3 won't even be checked */ /* SK_INT : byte (actually scanned as 32 bit signed integer) */ /* If it's a MIDI data field which is required to */ /* be an integer, like a controller number, it's */ /* 0-127. Otherwise, get creative with SK_INTs. */ /* SK_DBL : double precision floating point. SKINI uses these */ /* in the MIDI context for note numbers with micro */ /* tuning, velocities, controller values, etc. */ /* SK_STR : only valid in final field. This allows (nearly) */ /* arbitrary message types to be supported by simply */ /* scanning the string to EndOfLine and then passing */ /* it to a more intelligent handler. For example, */ /* MIDI SYSEX (system exclusive) messages of up to */ /* 256 bytes can be read as space-delimited integers */ /* into the SK_STR buffer. Longer bulk dumps, */ /* soundfiles, etc. should be handled as a new */ /* message type pointing to a FileName stored in the */ /* SK_STR field, or as a new type of multi-line */ /* message. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ } // stk namespace