buttons and handles

CCRMA Stanford University

Music 250A - Physical Interaction Design for Music

Schedule - Fall 2013

sep 23
sep 25
Sound Synthesis and PD,
hw 1: Resources For Making Things
lab 1: make music with PD

sep 30
Sensor Brainstorm and Overview

oct 2
Linux and Beagleboard Setup

hw 2: expressive actions and user interface design
lab 2: Beagleboard setup and more Pd

oct 7
Review Sketches of Buttons, Handles and Expressive Gestures

oct 9
Interaction Design and More Sensors

hw3: Analyze an existing project using design framework
lab 3: Arduino and Sensors

oct 14
Review Interaction Desiang Analysis

oct 16
Linux under the hood
& networking

hw 4: 5 project ideas sketched out
lab 4: Firmware and More Sensors

oct 21
Review ideas and show more examples

oct 23
More examples, Interfacing with the rest of the world, Project Robustness

hw 5: 10 Project Ideas

oct 29
Present project ideas,
Form project teams

oct 30
Modular design, testing and evaluation
Work on group proposals

hw 6: group proposal

nov 4
One on ne meetings
with the teaching team

nov 6
Work on project

work on project

nov 11
Some discussion of how projects are going

nov 13
Work on Project Order parts

Work on project like mad

nov 18
Project Check In

nov 21
Working Hardware Deadline


nov 25
Thanksgiving Break

nov 27
Thanksgiving Break

dec 3
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal

dec 5

Lab clean up and
Project write-ups due Dec. 7