// Midi.c // // Midi output routines for the atmel atmega163 (and others) // // depends on avrlib for buffer // #include "uart.h" #include "midi.h" #include "debug.h" void midiInit() { uartInit(); uartSetBaudRate(MIDI_BAUD_RATE); } // send a midi NOTE ON message from the uart of the form [0x9n, note, vel] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, note and vel are 7-bit numbers u08 midiNoteOnOut(u08 note, u08 vel, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_NOTE_ON | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & note); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & vel); return 0; } // send a midi NOTE OFF message from the uart of the form [0x8n, note, vel] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, note and vel are 7-bit numbers u08 midiNoteOffOut(u08 note, u08 vel, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_NOTE_OFF | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & note); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & vel); return 0; } // send a midi CONTROL CHANGE message from the uart of the form [0xBn, controller, value] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, controller and value are 7-bit numbers u08 midiControlChangeOut(u08 controller, u08 value, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & controller); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & value); return 0; } // send a midi PROGRAM CHANGE message from the uart of the form [0xCn, program] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, program is a 7-bit number u08 midiProgramChangeOut(u08 program, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_PROGRAM_CHANGE | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & program); return 0; } // send a midi POLYPHONIC AFTERTOUCH message from the uart of the form [0xCn, controller, value] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, note and pressure are 7-bit numbers u08 midiPolyTouchOut(u08 note, u08 pressure, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_POLY_TOUCH | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & note); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & pressure); return 0; } // send a midi CHANNEL AFTERTOUCH message from the uart of the form [0xDn, pressure] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, and pressure is a 7-bit number u08 midiChannelTouchOut(u08 pressure, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_CHANNEL_TOUCH | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & pressure); return 0; } // send a midi PITCH BEND message from the uart of the form [0xEn, bendLSB, bendMSB ] // where n is the midi channel from 0-F, and bendLSB and bendMSB are 7-bit numbers // note that MIDI devices normally pack together bendLSB and bendMSB to make a 14-bit number u08 midiPitchBendOut(u08 bendLSB, u08 bendMSB, u08 channel) { uartSendByte(MIDI_PITCH_BEND | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_MASK)); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & bendLSB); uartSendByte(MIDI_DATA_MASK & bendMSB); return 0; }