;;; -*- syntax: common-lisp; base: 10; mode: lisp -*- ;;; ;;; The Karplus-Strong algorithm as extended by David Jaffe and Julius Smith -- see ;;; Jaffe and Smith, "Extensions of the Karplus-Strong Plucked-String Algorithm" ;;; CMJ vol 7 no 2 Summer 1983, reprinted in "The Music Machine". #| ;;; this block of stuff was in the original, but wasn't used anywhere. (defun magnitude (r i) (sqrt (+ (* r r) (* i i)))) (defun getGain (frq R) (let* ((x (hz->radians frq)) (r1 (- 1.0 (* R (cos x)))) (i (- (* R (sin x))))) (/ (- 1.0 R) (magnitude r1 i)))) (defun quadraticFormula (a b c) (let ((plusresult (/ (+ (- b) (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))) (* 2 a))) (minusresult (/ (- (- b) (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))) (* 2 a)))) (if (and (< plusresult 1.0) (< minusresult 1.0)) (max plusresult minusresult) (if (< plusresult 1.0) plusresult (if (< minusresult 1.0) minusresult (min plusresult minusresult)))))) (defun computeR (freq bw) (let* ((refFreq (exp (* (log (* *srate* .5)) .5))) (R0 (exp (- (* pi (/ bw *srate*))))) (Gain (getGain refFreq R0)) (Gain2 (* Gain Gain)) (oT (hz->radians freq))) (quadraticFormula (- Gain2 1.0) (- 2.0 (* 2.0 (cos oT) Gain2)) (- Gain2 1.0)))) (defun equalS (freq t60) (let* ((tau (/ t60 (log 1000))) (x (/ (* 2.0 (cos (hz->radians freq))) *srate*))) (quadraticFormula (- 2 x) (- x 2) (- 1.0 (exp (/ -1.0 (* .5 freq tau))))))) |# (defun getOptimumC (S o p) (let* ((pa (* (/ 1.0 o) (atan (* S (sin o)) (+ (- 1.0 S) (* S (cos o)))))) (tmpInt (floor (- p pa))) (pc (- p pa tmpInt))) (loop while (< pc .1) do (decf tmpInt) (incf pc)) (values tmpInt (/ (- (sin o) (sin (* o pc))) (sin (+ o (* o pc))))))) (defun tuneIt (f s1) (let* ((p (/ *srate* f)) ;period as float (s (if (zerop s1) 0.5 s1)) (o (hz->radians f))) (multiple-value-bind (T1 C1) (getOptimumC s o p) (multiple-value-bind (T2 C2) (getOptimumC (- 1.0 s) o p) (if (and (/= s .5) (< (abs C1) (abs C2))) (values (- 1.0 s) C1 T1) (values s C2 T2)))))) (definstrument pluck (start dur freq amp weighting lossfact decaytime attacktime) ;; DAJ explains weighting and lossfact as follows: ;; weighting is the ratio of the once-delayed to the twice-delayed samples. It defaults to .5=shortest decay. ;; anything other than .5 = longer decay. Must be between 0 and less than 1.0. ;; lossfact can be used to shorten decays. Most useful values are between .8 and 1.0. (multiple-value-bind (wt0 c dlen) (tuneIt freq weighting) (let* ((beg (floor (* start *srate*))) (end (+ beg (floor (* dur *srate*)))) (lf (if (zerop lossfact) 1.0 (min 1.0 lossfact))) (wt (if (zerop wt0) 0.5 (min 1.0 wt0))) (tab (make-double-array dlen)) ;; get initial waveform in "tab" -- here we can introduce 0's to simulate different pick ;; positions, and so on -- see the CMJ article for numerous extensions. The normal case ;; is to load it with white noise (between -1 and 1). (val 0.0) (allp (make-one-zero (* lf (- 1.0 wt)) (* lf wt))) (feedb (make-one-zero c 1.0)) ;or (feedb (make-one-zero 1.0 c)) (ctr 0)) (loop for i from 0 below dlen do (setf (aref tab i) (double (- 1.0 (random 2.0))))) (run (loop for i from beg to end do (declare (type integer ctr dlen) (type float val c amp)) (setf val (aref tab ctr)) ;current output value (setf (aref tab ctr) (* (- 1.0 c) (one-zero feedb (one-zero allp val)))) (incf ctr) (if (>= ctr dlen) (setf ctr 0)) (outa i (* amp val)))))))