;;; -*- syntax: common-lisp; base: 10; mode: lisp -*- ;;; FM VIOLIN ---------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; a lot of this instrument is the result of nearly 30 years of use ;;; in 3 or 4 very different environments -- if I were to start all ;;; over, it would be simpler. See fmviolin.clm for some old examples. (defun bit20 (x) ;Samson box modifier got 2's complement 20 bit interpreted as fraction (if (>= x (expt 2 19)) ;(this needed to keep fm-violin backwards compatible with old note lists) (float (/ (- x (expt 2 20)) (expt 2 19))) (float (/ x (expt 2 19))))) (defun make-frobber-function (beg end frobl) (let ((result (list beg)) (val (bit20 (cadr frobl)))) (loop for x in frobl by #'cddr and y in (cdr frobl) by #'cddr do (when (and (>= x beg) (<= x end)) (push val result) (push x result) (setf val (bit20 y)))) (push val result) (push end result) (push val result) (nreverse result))) (definstrument fm-violin (startime dur frequency amplitude &key (fm-index 1.0) (amp-env '(0 0 25 1 75 1 100 0)) (periodic-vibrato-rate 5.0) (random-vibrato-rate 16.0) (periodic-vibrato-amplitude 0.0025) (random-vibrato-amplitude 0.005) (noise-amount 0.0) (noise-freq 1000.0) (ind-noise-freq 10.0) (ind-noise-amount 0.0) (amp-noise-freq 20.0) (amp-noise-amount 0.0) (gliss-env '(0 0 100 0)) (glissando-amount 0.0) (fm1-env '(0 1 25 .4 75 .6 100 0)) (fm2-env '(0 1 25 .4 75 .6 100 0)) (fm3-env '(0 1 25 .4 75 .6 100 0)) (fm1-rat 1.0) (fm2-rat 3.0) (fm3-rat 4.0) (fm1-index nil) (fm2-index nil) (fm3-index nil) (base nil) (frobber nil) (reverb-amount 0.01) (index-type :violin) (degree nil) (distance 1.0) (degrees nil) (no-waveshaping nil) (denoise nil) (denoise-dur .1) (denoise-amp .005) (freq-env '(0 4000 1 800)) (res-env '(0 0.8 1 0.8)) &allow-other-keys) ;(if (> (abs amplitude) 1.0) (setf amplitude (clm-cerror ".1?" .1 #'numberp "amplitude = ~A?" amplitude))) (if (<= (abs frequency) 1.0) (setf frequency (clm-cerror "440.0?" 440.0 #'numberp "frequency = ~A?" frequency))) (let* ((beg (floor (* startime *srate*))) (end (+ beg (floor (* dur *srate*)))) (frq-scl (hz->radians frequency)) (modulate (not (zerop fm-index))) (maxdev (* frq-scl fm-index)) (vln (not (eq index-type :cello))) (logfreq (log frequency)) (sqrtfreq (sqrt frequency)) (index1 (or fm1-index (min pi (* maxdev (/ (if vln 5.0 7.5) logfreq))))) (index2 (or fm2-index (min pi (* maxdev 3.0 (if vln (/ (- 8.5 logfreq) (+ 3.0 (* frequency .001))) (/ 15.0 sqrtfreq)))))) (index3 (or fm3-index (min pi (* maxdev (/ (if vln 4.0 8.0) sqrtfreq))))) ; (easy-case (and (not no-waveshaping) ; (zerop noise-amount) ; (eq fm1-env fm2-env) ; (eq fm1-env fm3-env) ; (zerop (- fm1-rat (floor fm1-rat))) ; (zerop (- fm2-rat (floor fm2-rat))) ; (zerop (- fm3-rat (floor fm3-rat))))) ; ;; if the envelopes are all the same, and each ratio is an integer, we can use ; ;; waveshaping to get the modulation very cheaply ; (coeffs (and easy-case modulate ; (partials->polynomial ; (list fm1-rat index1 ; fm2-rat index2 ; fm3-rat index3)))) ; ; ;; 26-June-99 -- this is not right! It should be: (easy-case (and (not no-waveshaping) (zerop noise-amount) (eq fm1-env fm2-env) (eq fm1-env fm3-env) (zerop (- fm1-rat (floor fm1-rat))) (zerop (- fm2-rat (floor fm2-rat))) (zerop (- fm3-rat (floor fm3-rat))) (zerop (nth-value 1 (floor fm2-rat fm1-rat))) (zerop (nth-value 1 (floor fm3-rat fm1-rat))))) (coeffs (and easy-case modulate (partials->polynomial (list fm1-rat index1 (floor fm2-rat fm1-rat) index2 (floor fm3-rat fm1-rat) index3)))) ;; that is, we're doing the polynomial evaluation using fm1osc running at fm1-rat * frequency ;; so everything in the polynomial table should be in terms of harmonics of fm1-rat (norm (or (and easy-case modulate 1.0) index1)) (carrier (make-oscil frequency)) (fmosc1 (and modulate (make-oscil (* fm1-rat frequency)))) (fmosc2 (and modulate (or easy-case (make-oscil (* fm2-rat frequency))))) (fmosc3 (and modulate (or easy-case (make-oscil (* fm3-rat frequency))))) (ampf (make-env (if denoise (reduce-amplitude-quantization-noise amp-env dur amplitude denoise-dur denoise-amp) amp-env) amplitude :base base :duration dur)) (indf1 (and modulate (make-env fm1-env norm :duration dur))) (indf2 (and modulate (or easy-case (make-env fm2-env index2 :duration dur)))) (indf3 (and modulate (or easy-case (make-env fm3-env index3 :duration dur)))) (frqf (make-env gliss-env (* glissando-amount frq-scl) :duration dur)) (pervib (make-triangle-wave periodic-vibrato-rate (* periodic-vibrato-amplitude frq-scl))) (ranvib (make-rand-interp random-vibrato-rate (* random-vibrato-amplitude frq-scl))) (fm-noi (if (and (/= 0.0 noise-amount) (null frobber)) (make-rand noise-freq (* pi noise-amount)))) (ind-noi (if (and (/= 0.0 ind-noise-amount) (/= 0.0 ind-noise-freq)) (make-rand-interp ind-noise-freq ind-noise-amount))) (amp-noi (if (and (/= 0.0 amp-noise-amount) (/= 0.0 amp-noise-freq)) (make-rand-interp amp-noise-freq amp-noise-amount))) (frb-env (if (and (/= 0.0 noise-amount) frobber) (make-env (make-frobber-function startime (+ startime dur) frobber) :duration dur :base 0 :scaler (* two-pi noise-amount)))) (vib 0.0) (modulation 0.0) (loc (make-locsig :degree (or degree degrees (random 90.0)) :reverb reverb-amount :distance distance)) (fuzz 0.0) (ind-fuzz 1.0) (amp-fuzz 1.0) (filter (make-moog-filter :frequency 440 :q 0.7)) (filter-freq (make-env :envelope freq-env :duration dur)) (filter-res (make-env :envelope res-env :duration dur))) (run (loop for i from beg to end do (declare (type :float noise-amount fuzz ind-fuzz amp-fuzz modulation fm1-rat fm2-rat fm3-rat vib) (type :mus-any ind-noi amp-noi) (type :double* coeffs) (type :boolean frobber easy-case modulate)) (if (/= 0.0 noise-amount) (if (null frobber) (setf fuzz (rand fm-noi)) (setf fuzz (env frb-env)))) (setf vib (+ (env frqf) (triangle-wave pervib) (rand-interp ranvib))) (if ind-noi (setf ind-fuzz (+ 1.0 (rand-interp ind-noi)))) (if amp-noi (setf amp-fuzz (+ 1.0 (rand-interp amp-noi)))) (if modulate (if easy-case (setf modulation (* (env indf1) (polynomial coeffs (oscil fmosc1 vib)))) ;(* vib fm1-rat)?? (setf modulation (+ (* (env indf1) (oscil fmosc1 (+ (* fm1-rat vib) fuzz))) (* (env indf2) (oscil fmosc2 (+ (* fm2-rat vib) fuzz))) (* (env indf3) (oscil fmosc3 (+ (* fm3-rat vib) fuzz))))))) (setf (moog-frequency filter)(env filter-freq) (moog-q filter)(env filter-res)) (locsig loc i (moog-filter filter (* (env ampf) amp-fuzz (oscil carrier (+ vib (* ind-fuzz modulation)))))))))) ;;; the "fuzz" term is not scaled to fit each modulator (this is the way the SAM version worked)