
Implements output to Supercollider score file. This class is automatically chosen when you specify a file with a .osc extenstion.

sc-file supports the following slot initializations:

:versioning boolean
If true then each time the file is written its output file name will include a version number -n appended to its name, i.e. test-1.osc, test-2.osc and so on. The version number is automatically incremented each time the file is written and insures that multiple "takes" of the same file can be generated without overwriting the contents of earlier versions.
:play boolean
If true the .osc score file is rendered by calling the external scsynth process. The resulting sound file is played after it has been generated.
:output string
String should be the filename of the audio file to output.If not specified will output file as "test.aiff" (or "test.[header]" if something besides aiff is specified for :header).
:channels number
Number of channels in the output file.
:pad number
Number of seconds to add to the end of the .osc file. This is important as Supercollider will stop rendering output at the last event in the score. The pad should be at least as long as the last scsynth event in the score or output will be cut-off. The default value is 5 sceconds.
:srate number
Sampling rate of output audio file. The default value is 44100.
:header {:aiff | :wav | :sun | :ircam | :raw}
Sets the header type of the output audio file. The default value is .aiff.
:format {:uint8 | :int8 | :int16 | :int24 | :int32 | :float | :double | :ulaw | :alaw}
Sets the sample format type of output audio file. The default value is :int16.

Any additional keyword initializations are passed to play after the file is written.

See also: