(rescale-envelope env [:x-min n] [:x-max n] [:y-min n] [:y-max n])

Returns a copy of env with x and y values optionally rescaled to lie between new minima and maxima.

cm> (rescale-envelope '(0 0 .5 .5 1 1) :y-min 100 :y-max 200 )
(0 100 0.5 150.0 1 200)
cm> (rescale-envelope '(0 0 .5 .5 1 1) :x-min 0 :x-max 100 )
(0 0 50.0 0.5 100 1)
cm> (rescale-envelope '(0 0 .5 .5 1 1) :x-max 100 :y-max 100 )
(0 0 50.0 50.0 100 100)

See Also: