(odds prob [true] [false] [state])

Returns true if a randomly generated number is less than prob, otherwise false. The default values for true and false are boolean true and false, respectively. state is a random state object and defaults to *random-state*


Example 1. The odds function.

(odds .5)
(odds .5 60)
(odds 1)
(odds 0 'win)
(odds .2 "Yup" "Nope")

Example 2. Play octaves with increasing probability.

(define (play-octs reps lb ub)
  ;; no octaves at start all at end
  (process with env = '(0 0 .1 0 .8 .75 1 1)
           for i below reps
           ;; probability of adding octave
           for p = (interpl (/ i reps) env)
           for k = (between lb ub k)
           for r = (odds .3 .4 .2)
           output (new midi :time (now)
                       :keynum k
                       :duration (* r 1.5))
           when (odds p)
           output (new midi :time (now)
                       :keynum (+ k 12)
                       :duration (* r 1.5))
           wait r))

(events (play-octs 60 60 80) "test.mid")

See also: