Starting /usr/ccrma/lbin/cm2-clm2 ... Loading /amd/cm-home/sys/lisp/dist/acl5.0-linux/ Mapping /usr/ccrma/lisp/obj/cm2.3-clm2-acl5.0-linux/cm.dxl...done. Mapping /amd/cm-home/sys/lisp/dist/acl5.0-linux/acl50b5.pll. Allegro CL 5.0.beta [Linux/X86] (6/11/98 14:45) Copyright (C) 1985-1998, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA. All Rights Reserved. ; Loading /amd/cm-home/sys/lisp/dist/acl5.0-linux/ ;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2. ;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the current optimization settings evaluate ;; (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS). [changing package from "COMMON-LISP-USER" to "CM"] CM(1): CM(2): ;;; Loading /usr/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/ilisp/cl-ilisp.lisp ILISP: File is not compiled, use M-x ilisp-compile-inits CM(7): ;;; Loading /usr/lib/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp/ilisp/allegro.lisp ILISP: File is not compiled, use M-x ilisp-compile-inits CM(8): :cl v ; Fast loading /amd/cm-home/sys/web/html/courses/220b/lectures/4/examples/v.fusl ; Foreign loading /amd/cm-home/sys/web/html/courses/220b/lectures/4/examples/ CM(9): (defparameter h-state t) (defun harmonize (input) (if h-state ;; up by a fifth (progn (setf h-state nil) (+ input 7)) ;; up by a fourth (progn (setf h-state t) (+ input 5)))) H-STATE CM(10): CM(10): HARMONIZE CM(11): CM(11): CM(11): CM(11): (with-sound() (loop repeat 10 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) Error: Received signal number 11 (Segmentation violation) [condition type: SYNCHRONOUS-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SIGNAL] [1] CM(12): [1] CM(12): :reset CM(13): (with-sound() (loop repeat 10 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) ; Autoloading for FOREIGN-FUNCTIONS:CHAR*-TO-STRING: ; Fast loading from bundle code/ffcompat.fasl. "/zap/test.snd" CM(14): CM(14): CM(14): CM(14): (with-sound() (loop repeat 10 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(15): (with-sound() (loop repeat 10 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(16): (with-sound() (loop repeat 10 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(17): (with-sound() (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(18): CM(18): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(21): CM(21): ;;; Evaluating defun harmonize HARMONIZE CM(24): CM(24): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(26): CM(26): ;;; Evaluating defun harmonize HARMONIZE CM(27): CM(27): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(29): CM(29): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (harmonize note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(30): ;;; Evaluating defparameter silly-state SILLY-STATE CM(31): CM(31): ;;; Evaluating defparameter silly-count SILLY-COUNT CM(33): CM(33): ;;; Evaluating defun silly-melody SILLY-MELODY CM(35): CM(35): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (silly-melody note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) state=1:0 state=2:0 state=3:0 state=4:1 state=2:1 state=3:1 state=4:2 state=2:2 state=3:2 state=4:3 state=2:3 state=3:3 state=5:3 state=1:0 state=2:0 state=3:0 state=4:1 state=2:1 "/zap/test.snd" CM(37): CM(37): ;;; Evaluating defun silly-melody SILLY-MELODY CM(38): CM(38): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = 60 then (silly-melody note) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz (if (> note 128) 128 note)) 0.1))) state=3:1 state=4:2 state=2:2 state=2:2 state=3:2 state=4:3 state=2:3 state=2:3 state=2:3 state=3:3 state=5:3 state=1:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 "/zap/test.snd" CM(40): CM(40): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=2:0 state=3:0 state=4:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=2:1 state=3:1 state=4:2 "/zap/test.snd" CM(41): (setf x (new markov :of '((d4 c4 -> (f4 .5) (g4 .5)) (d4 bf4 -> bf4) (c4 d4 -> c4) (c4 c4 -> (d4 .667) (c5 0.333)) (c4 f4 -> e4) (c4 g4 -> f4) (c4 c5 -> a4) (f4 c4 -> c4) (f4 e4 -> (c4 .5) (d4 .5)) (f4 g4 -> f4) (e4 d4 -> bf4) (e4 c4 -> c4) (g4 f4 -> c4) (c5 a4 -> f4) (a4 f4 -> (e4 .5) (g4 .5)) (bf4 a4 -> f4) (bf4 bf4 -> a4)))) # CM(42): CM(42): CM(42): (next x 20) (F4 E4 C4 C4 D4 C4 G4 F4 C4 C4 ...) CM(45): CM(45): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 19 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(48): (setf x (new markov :of '((d4 c4 -> (f4 .5) (g4 .5)) (d4 bf4 -> bf4) (c4 d4 -> c4) (c4 c4 -> (d4 .667) (c5 0.333)) (c4 f4 -> e4) (c4 g4 -> f4) (c4 c5 -> a4) (f4 c4 -> c4) (f4 e4 -> (c4 .5) (d4 .5)) (f4 g4 -> f4) (e4 d4 -> bf4) (e4 c4 -> c4) (g4 f4 -> c4) (c5 a4 -> f4) (a4 f4 -> (e4 .5) (g4 .5)) (bf4 a4 -> f4) (bf4 bf4 -> a4)))) # CM(49): CM(49): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 20 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(50): CM(50): (defparameter happy-birthday '(c4 c d c f e c c d c g f c c c5 a4 f e d bf bf a f g f)) HAPPY-BIRTHDAY CM(51): CM(51): (markov-analyze happy-birthday :order 2) D4 C4 F4 E4 G4 C5 A4 BF4 (D4 C4) ----- ----- 0.500 ----- 0.500 ----- ----- ----- (D4 BF4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 (C4 D4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 C4) 0.667 ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.333 ----- ----- (C4 F4) ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 G4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 C5) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- (F4 C4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (F4 E4) 0.500 0.500 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (F4 G4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (E4 D4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 (E4 C4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (G4 F4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C5 A4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (A4 F4) ----- ----- ----- 0.500 0.500 ----- ----- ----- (BF4 A4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (BF4 BF4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- (NEW MARKOV (D4 C4 -> (F4 0.5) (G4 0.5)) (D4 BF4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (C4 D4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 C4 -> (D4 0.667) (C5 0.333)) (C4 F4 -> (E4 1.0)) (C4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (C4 C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (F4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (F4 E4 -> (C4 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (F4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (E4 D4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (E4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (G4 F4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C5 A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (A4 F4 -> (E4 0.5) (G4 0.5)) (BF4 A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 BF4 -> (A4 1.0))) CM(52): CM(52): (markov-analyze happy-birthday :order 3) C4 F4 E4 D4 G4 C5 A4 BF4 (C4 C4 D4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 C4 C5) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- (C4 F4 E4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 D4 C4) ----- 0.500 ----- ----- 0.500 ----- ----- ----- (C4 G4 F4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C4 C5 A4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (F4 C4 C4) ----- ----- ----- 0.500 ----- 0.500 ----- ----- (F4 E4 C4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (F4 E4 D4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 (F4 G4 F4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (E4 C4 C4) ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- (E4 D4 BF4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 (D4 C4 F4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (D4 C4 G4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (D4 BF4 BF4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- (G4 F4 C4) 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C5 A4 F4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (A4 F4 E4) ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- (A4 F4 G4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (BF4 A4 F4) ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- (BF4 BF4 A4) ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (NEW MARKOV (C4 C4 D4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 C4 C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (C4 F4 E4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 D4 C4 -> (F4 0.5) (G4 0.5)) (C4 G4 F4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 C5 A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (F4 C4 C4 -> (C5 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (F4 E4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (F4 E4 D4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (F4 G4 F4 -> (C4 1.0)) (E4 C4 C4 -> (D4 1.0)) (E4 D4 BF4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (D4 C4 F4 -> (E4 1.0)) (D4 C4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (D4 BF4 BF4 -> (A4 1.0)) (G4 F4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C5 A4 F4 -> (E4 1.0)) (A4 F4 E4 -> (D4 1.0)) (A4 F4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 A4 F4 -> (G4 1.0)) (BF4 BF4 A4 -> (F4 1.0))) CM(53): CM(53): (setf x (NEW MARKOV (C4 C4 D4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 C4 C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (C4 F4 E4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 D4 C4 -> (F4 0.5) (G4 0.5)) (C4 G4 F4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C4 C5 A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (F4 C4 C4 -> (C5 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (F4 E4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (F4 E4 D4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (F4 G4 F4 -> (C4 1.0)) (E4 C4 C4 -> (D4 1.0)) (E4 D4 BF4 -> (BF4 1.0)) (D4 C4 F4 -> (E4 1.0)) (D4 C4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (D4 BF4 BF4 -> (A4 1.0)) (G4 F4 C4 -> (C4 1.0)) (C5 A4 F4 -> (E4 1.0)) (A4 F4 E4 -> (D4 1.0)) (A4 F4 G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 A4 F4 -> (G4 1.0)) (BF4 BF4 A4 -> (F4 1.0)))) # CM(56): CM(56): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 20 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(57): CM(57): (markov-analyze happy-birthday :order 1) C4 D4 F4 E4 G4 C5 A4 BF4 (C4) 0.375 0.250 0.125 ----- 0.125 0.125 ----- ----- (D4) 0.667 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.333 (F4) 0.400 ----- ----- 0.400 0.200 ----- ----- ----- (E4) 0.500 0.500 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (G4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (C5) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 1.000 ----- (A4) ----- ----- 1.000 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- (BF4) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.500 0.500 (NEW MARKOV (C4 -> (C4 0.375) (D4 0.25) (F4 0.125) (G4 0.125) (C5 0.125)) (D4 -> (C4 0.667) (BF4 0.333)) (F4 -> (E4 0.4) (C4 0.4) (G4 0.2)) (E4 -> (C4 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 -> (BF4 0.5) (A4 0.5))) CM(58): (setf x (NEW MARKOV (C4 -> (C4 0.375) (D4 0.25) (F4 0.125) (G4 0.125) (C5 0.125)) (D4 -> (C4 0.667) (BF4 0.333)) (F4 -> (E4 0.4) (C4 0.4) (G4 0.2)) (E4 -> (C4 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 -> (BF4 0.5) (A4 0.5)))) Error: `#' is not of the expected type `SYMBOL' [condition type: TYPE-ERROR] [1] CM(61): [1] CM(61): :reset CM(62): (setf x (NEW MARKOV (C4 -> (C4 0.375) (D4 0.25) (F4 0.125) (G4 0.125) (C5 0.125)) (D4 -> (C4 0.667) (BF4 0.333)) (F4 -> (E4 0.4) (C4 0.4) (G4 0.2)) (E4 -> (C4 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 -> (BF4 0.5) (A4 0.5)))) # CM(63): CM(63): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 20 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(64): CM(64): (setf x (new markov (d4 c4 -> (f4 .5) (g4 .5)) (d4 bf4 -> bf4) (c4 d4 -> c4) (c4 c4 -> (d4 .667) (c5 0.333)) (c4 f4 -> e4) (c4 g4 -> f4) (c4 c5 -> a4) (f4 c4 -> c4) (f4 e4 -> (c4 .5) (d4 .5)) (f4 g4 -> f4) (e4 d4 -> bf4) (e4 c4 -> c4) (g4 f4 -> c4) (c5 a4 -> f4) (a4 f4 -> (e4 .5) (g4 .5)) (bf4 a4 -> f4) (bf4 bf4 -> a4))) # CM(65): CM(65): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 20 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(66): CM(66): (setf x (NEW MARKOV (C4 -> (C4 0.375) (D4 0.25) (F4 0.125) (G4 0.125) (C5 0.125)) (D4 -> (C4 0.667) (BF4 0.333)) (F4 -> (E4 0.4) (C4 0.4) (G4 0.2)) (E4 -> (C4 0.5) (D4 0.5)) (G4 -> (F4 1.0)) (C5 -> (A4 1.0)) (A4 -> (F4 1.0)) (BF4 -> (BF4 0.5) (A4 0.5)))) # CM(67): CM(67): (with-sound(:srate 44100) (loop repeat 20 for time from 0 by 0.2 for note = (next x) do (fm-violin time 0.16 (hertz note) 0.1))) "/zap/test.snd" CM(68): CM(68): (setf x (new markov (d4 c4 -> (f4 .5) (g4 .5)) (d4 bf4 -> bf4) (c4 d4 -> c4) (c4 c4 -> (d4 .667) (c5 0.333)) (c4 f4 -> e4) (c4 g4 -> f4) (c4 c5 -> a4) (f4 c4 -> c4) (f4 e4 -> (c4 .5) (d4 .5)) (f4 g4 -> f4) (e4 d4 -> bf4) (e4 c4 -> c4) (g4 f4 -> c4) (c5 a4 -> f4) (a4 f4 -> (e4 .5) (g4 .5)) (bf4 a4 -> f4) (bf4 bf4 -> a4))) # CM(69): CM(69): CM(69): CM(69): (keynum 'a4) 69 CM(72): CM(72): ;;; Evaluating with-sound(:srate "/zap/test.snd" CM(73): CM(73): ;;; Evaluating with-sound(:srate 62 70 70 69 65 64 62 70 70 69 65 64 62 70 70 69 65 67 65 60 "/zap/test.snd" CM(75): CM(75): (stop-dac) 31195 NIL CM(77): CM(77):