;;; -*- syntax: common-lisp; base: 10; mode: lisp -*- ;;; ;;; Perry Cook's physical model of the vocal tract as described in: ;;; ;;; Cook, Perry R. "Synthesis of the Singing Voice Using a Physically Parameterized Model of the Human Vocal Tract" ;;; Published in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Ohio 1989 ;;; and as Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report Stan-M-57, August 1989. ;;; ;;; ---- "Identification of Control Parameters in an Articulatory Vocal Tract Model, with Applications ;;; to the Synthesis of Singing," Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University Department of Music Technical Report ;;; Stan-M-68, December 1990. ;;; ;;; ---- "SPASM, a Real-time Vocal Tract Physical Model Controller; and Singer, the Companion Software ;;; Synthesis System", Computer Music Journal, vol 17 no 1 Spring 1993. ;;; ;;; This code is a translation of Perry Cook's singer implementation originally in C. ;;; Apparently all Perry's data is aimed at srate=22050. (definstrument singer (beg amp data) ;; data is a list of lists very similar to the sequence of synthesize calls in Perry's original implementation. ;; Each imbedded list has the form: dur shape glot pitch glotamp noiseamps vibramt. ;; See below for examples. (let* ((setup (first data)) (durs (loop for dat in data collect (first dat))) (dur (apply #'+ durs)) (begs (let ((bg beg)) (append (list beg) (loop for x in durs do (incf bg x) collect bg)))) (beg-samps (loop for x in begs collect (round (* x *srate*)))) (change-times (make-array (1+ (length beg-samps)) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents (append beg-samps (last beg-samps)))) (shps (loop for dat in data collect (second dat))) (glts (loop for dat in data collect (third dat))) (pfun (append (list 0.0 (float (* .8 (fourth setup)))) (loop for b in (cdr begs) and dat in data collect (- b beg) collect (float (fourth dat))))) (gfun (append (list 0.0 0.0) (loop for b in (cdr begs) and dat in data collect (- b beg) collect (float (fifth dat))))) (nfun (append (list 0.0 (float (sixth setup))) (loop for b in (cdr begs) and dat in data collect (- b beg) collect (float (sixth dat))))) (vfun (append (list 0.0 (float (seventh setup))) (loop for b in (cdr begs) and dat in data collect (- b beg) collect (float (seventh dat))))) (noiseamps (make-double-float-array (length data) :initial-contents (loop for dat in data collect (double-float (sixth dat))))) (frq-env (make-env :envelope pfun :duration dur)) (vib-env (make-env :envelope vfun :duration dur)) (vib-osc (make-oscil :frequency 6.0)) (glot-env (make-env :envelope gfun :duration dur)) (noise-env (make-env :envelope nfun :duration dur)) (ran-vib (make-rand-interp :frequency 10 :amplitude .02)) (tractlength 9) ;length of vocal tract (shape-data (make-double-float-array (* (length shps) (+ 8 tractlength)))) (glot-datai (make-array (* 2 (length glts)) :element-type 'fixnum)) (glot-datar (make-double-float-array (* 2 (length glts))))) (loop for gshp in shps and i from 0 by (+ tractlength 8) do (let ((shp (if (symbolp gshp) (eval gshp) gshp))) (if (not (listp shp)) (error "file-based data is not supported") (loop for j from i and x in (cdr shp) do (setf (aref shape-data j) (double-float x)))))) (loop for gglt in glts and i from 0 by 2 do (let ((glt (if (symbolp gglt) (eval gglt) gglt))) (if (not (listp glt)) (error "file-based data is not supported") (progn (setf (aref glot-datai i) 0) ;=>glot var (setf (aref glot-datai (+ i 1)) (first glt)) (setf (aref glot-datar i) (double-float (second glt))) (setf (aref glot-datar (+ i 1)) (double-float (third glt))))))) (let* ((table-size 1000) ; size of glottis wave-table (noseposition 3) (noselength 6) (nose-ring-time 1000) ; naso pharynx response decay time (one-over-two-pi 0.159154943) (two-pi-over-table-size (/ two-pi table-size)) (table-size-over-sampling-rate (/ table-size *srate*)) (dpole 0.998) (dgain (- 1.0 dpole)) (tong-hump-pole 0.998) (tong-hump-gain (- 1.0 tong-hump-pole)) (tong-tip-pole 0.998) (tong-tip-gain (- 1.0 tong-tip-pole)) (glot-table (make-double-float-array (1+ table-size))) (glot-table2 (make-double-float-array (1+ table-size))) (gn-table (make-double-float-array (1+ table-size) :initial-element 0.0)) (gn-gain 0.0) (gn-out 0.0) (gn-del (make-double-float-array 4 :initial-element 0.0)) (gn-coeffs (make-double-float-array 4 :initial-element 0.0)) (sines (make-double-float-array 200)) (cosines (make-double-float-array 200)) (table-increment 0.0) (table-location 0.0) (glot-refl-gain 0.7) (pitch 400.0) (vibr-amt 0.0) (last-lip-in 0.0) ;for lip reflection/transmission filter (last-lip-out 0.0) (last-lip-refl 0.0) (lip-refl-gain -0.45) (noise-gain 0.0) ;for vocal tract noise generator (noise-input 0.0) (noise-output 0.0) (noise-c (make-double-float-array 4 :initial-element 0.0)) ; net coefficients on delayed outputs (noise-pos 0) (fnoiseamp 0.0) (inz1 0.0) (inz2 0.0) (outz (make-double-float-array 4 :initial-element 0.0)) ; delayed versions of input and output ;; nasal tract acoustic tube structure (nose-coeffs (make-double-float-array noselength :initial-contents '(0.0 -0.29 -0.22 0.0 0.24 0.3571))) (nose1 (make-double-float-array noselength :initial-element 0.0)) (nose2 (make-double-float-array noselength :initial-element 0.0)) (velum-pos 0.0) (alpha (make-double-float-array 4 :initial-element 0.0)) (nose-last-minus-refl 0.0) (nose-last-plus-refl 0.0) (nose-last-output 0.0) (nose-filt 0.0) (nose-filt1 0.0) (time-nose-closed 1000) ; this is a hack used to determine if we need to calculate the nasal acoustics ;; vocal tract acoustic tube structure (radii (make-double-float-array (+ tractlength 8) :initial-contents '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))) ; the radii array contains the vocal tract section radii ; (tractlength-1 of them), then glottal reflection gain ; then lip reflection gain, then noise position, then noise gain, ; then noise pole angle, then noise pole radius, ; then noise pole angle2, then noise pole radius2, then velum opening radius (coeffs (make-double-float-array tractlength :initial-element 0.0)) (dline1 (make-double-float-array tractlength :initial-element 0.0)) (dline2 (make-double-float-array tractlength :initial-element 0.0)) ;; throat radiation low-pass filter (lt (make-double-float-array 2 :initial-element 0.0)) (ltcoeff .9995) (ltgain .05) ; a low order iir filter (lip-radius 0.0) (s-glot 0.0) (s-glot-mix 0.0) (s-noise 0.0) (last-tract-plus 0.0) (initial-noise-position 0.0) (formant-shift 1.0) (target-radii (make-double-float-array (+ tractlength 8) :initial-contents '(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0))) (radii-poles (make-double-float-array (+ tractlength 8) :initial-contents (list dpole ; glottis location dpole tong-hump-pole tong-hump-pole tong-hump-pole tong-tip-pole ; tongue region dpole dpole ; lip/jaw end dpole dpole dpole dpole dpole dpole dpole dpole dpole))) (radii-pole-gains (make-double-float-array (+ tractlength 8) :initial-contents (list dgain dgain tong-hump-gain tong-hump-gain tong-hump-gain tong-tip-gain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain dgain))) (change-radii 0) (glotsamp 0.0) (delta 0.0) (temp-arr (make-double-float-array (+ tractlength 1))) (new-glot 1) (first-glot 1) (new-tract 1) (first-tract 1) (offset -1) (bg (floor (* *srate* beg))) (nd ;(+ bg (floor (* *srate* dur))) (aref change-times (1- (length change-times)))) (next-offset bg) (last-sfd -1) (last-gfd -1)) (run (loop for i from bg below nd do #-just-lisp (declare (type integer table-size noseposition noselength nose-ring-time noise-pos time-nose-closed new-glot first-glot new-tract first-tract offset last-sfd last-gfd)) #-just-lisp (declare (type float one-over-two-pi two-pi-over-table-size table-size-over-sampling-rate dpole dgain tong-hump-pole tong-hump-gain tong-tip-pole tong-tip-gain gn-gain gn-out table-incremen table-location glot-refl-gain pitch vibr-amt last-lip-in last-lip-out last-lip-refl lip-refl-gain noise-gain noise-input noise-output fnoiseamp inz1 inz2 velum-pos nose-last-minus-refl nose-last-plus-refl nose-last-output nose-filt nose-filt1 ltcoeff ltgain lip-radius s-glot s-glot-mix s-noise last-tract-plus initial-noise-position formant-shift change-radii glotsamp delta)) (when (= i next-offset) ;; time to check for new tract shapes, glottal pulse shapes etc. (incf offset) (setf fnoiseamp (aref noiseamps offset)) (if (= last-sfd -1) (setf last-sfd 0) (let ((new-sfd (+ last-sfd 8 tractlength))) (loop for j from last-sfd below new-sfd and k from new-sfd do (if (> (abs (- (aref shape-data j) (aref shape-data k))) .001) (setf new-tract 1))) (setf last-sfd new-sfd))) (if (= last-gfd -1) (setf last-gfd 0) (let ((new-gfd (+ last-gfd 2))) (setf last-gfd new-gfd))) (setf next-offset (aref change-times (+ offset 1)))) (when (/= new-tract 0) (loop for j from last-sfd and k from 0 below (+ tractlength 8) do (setf (aref target-radii k) (aref shape-data j))) (when (= first-tract 1) (loop for k from 0 below (+ tractlength 8) do (setf (aref radii k) (aref target-radii k)))) (setf change-radii 0) (setf initial-noise-position (aref radii (+ tractlength 1))) (loop for j from 0 below (+ tractlength 8) do (if (> (abs (- (aref target-radii j) (aref radii j))) 0.001) (setf change-radii 1)))) (when (or (= first-tract 1) (/= change-radii 0)) (when (= new-tract 0) (loop for j from 0 below (+ tractlength 8) do (setf (aref radii j) (+ (* (aref radii j) (aref radii-poles j)) (* (aref target-radii j) (aref radii-pole-gains j)))))) ;; set tract shape (setf (aref temp-arr 0) 1.0) (loop for j from 1 below tractlength do (setf (aref temp-arr j) (* (aref radii (- j 1)) (aref radii (- j 1)))) (if (= (aref temp-arr j) 0.0) (setf (aref temp-arr j) 1e-10))) (loop for j from 1 below tractlength do (setf (aref coeffs j) (/ (- (aref temp-arr (- j 1)) (aref temp-arr j)) (+ (aref temp-arr (- j 1)) (aref temp-arr j))))) (setf glot-refl-gain (aref radii (- tractlength 1))) (setf lip-refl-gain (aref radii tractlength)) (setf noise-pos (aref radii (+ tractlength 1))) (setf noise-gain (aref radii (+ tractlength 2))) (let* ((temp1 (aref radii (+ tractlength 3))) (r (aref radii (+ tractlength 4))) (t2 (aref radii (+ tractlength 5))) (r2 (aref radii (+ tractlength 6))) ;; fricative noise generator (set noise angle and radius) (noise-angle (hz->radians temp1)) (noise-radius r) (noise-a (* -2.0 (cos (/ noise-angle formant-shift)) noise-radius)) (noise-b (* noise-radius noise-radius)) (noise-angle2 (hz->radians t2)) (noise-radius2 r2) (noise-a2 (* -2.0 (cos (/ noise-angle2 formant-shift)) noise-radius2)) (noise-b2 (* noise-radius2 noise-radius2))) (setf (aref noise-c 0) (+ noise-a noise-a2)) (setf (aref noise-c 1) (+ noise-b noise-b2 (* noise-a noise-a2))) (setf (aref noise-c 2) (+ (* noise-a2 noise-b) (* noise-b2 noise-a))) (setf (aref noise-c 3) (* noise-b2 noise-b))) (setf lip-radius (aref radii (- tractlength 2))) (setf velum-pos (aref radii (+ tractlength 7))) (let ((leftradius (aref radii (- noseposition 2))) (velumradius velum-pos) (rightradius (aref radii (- noseposition 1)))) (let ((temp1 0.0) (temp 0.0)) ;; nasal tract (set nasal shape) (setf temp (- rightradius velumradius)) (if (< temp 0.0) (setf temp 0.0)) (setf (aref alpha 1) (* leftradius leftradius)) (setf (aref alpha 2) (* temp temp)) (setf (aref alpha 3) (* velumradius velumradius)) (setf temp1 (/ 2.0 (+ (aref alpha 1) (aref alpha 2) (aref alpha 3)))) (setf (aref alpha 1) (* (aref alpha 1) temp1)) (setf (aref alpha 2) (* (aref alpha 2) temp1)) (setf (aref alpha 3) (* (aref alpha 3) temp1))))) (when (/= new-tract 0) (setf new-tract 0) (setf first-tract 0) (if (or (< s-noise 1.0) (< fnoiseamp 0.0001)) (setf (aref target-radii (+ tractlength 1)) initial-noise-position))) (when (/= new-glot 0) (when (= first-glot 0) (loop for i from 0 to table-size do (setf (aref glot-table2 i) (aref glot-table i)))) (let* ((harms (aref glot-datai (+ last-gfd 1))) (temp1 0.0) (temp 0.0) (a (aref glot-datar last-gfd)) (b (aref glot-datar (+ last-gfd 1))) (a2 (* two-pi a)) (b2 (* two-pi b))) (setf (aref sines 1) 0.0) (setf (aref cosines 1) 0.0) (when (/= b a) (setf temp (/ one-over-two-pi (- b a))) (setf temp1 (- 1.0 (cos a2))) (setf (aref sines 1) (* (+ (cos a2) (* (- (sin a2) (sin b2)) temp)) temp1 one-over-two-pi)) (setf (aref cosines 1) (* (+ (- (sin a2)) (* (- (cos a2) (cos b2)) temp)) temp1 one-over-two-pi))) (incf (aref sines 1) (* (+ 0.75 (- (cos a2)) (* (cos (* 2 a2)) 0.25)) one-over-two-pi)) (incf (aref cosines 1) (- (* (- (sin a2) (* (sin (* 2 a2)) 0.25)) one-over-two-pi) (* a 0.5))) (loop for k from 2 to harms and ka2 from (* 2 a2) by a2 and ka1 from a2 by a2 and ka3 from (* 3 a2) by a2 do (setf (aref sines k) 0.0) (setf (aref cosines k) 0.0) (when (/= b a) (setf temp (/ one-over-two-pi (* (- b a) k))) (setf (aref sines k) (* (+ (cos ka2) (* (- (sin ka2) (sin (* k b2))) temp)) (/ temp1 k))) (setf (aref cosines k) (* (+ (- (sin ka2)) (* (- (cos ka2) (cos (* k b2))) temp)) (/ temp1 k)))) (incf (aref sines k) (+ (/ (- 1.0 (cos ka2)) k) (/ (* (- (cos ka1) 1.0) 0.5) (- k 1)) (/ (* (- (cos ka3) 1.0) 0.5) (+ k 1)))) (setf (aref sines k) (* (aref sines k) one-over-two-pi)) (incf (aref cosines k) (- (/ (sin ka2) k) (/ (* (sin ka1) 0.5) (- k 1)) (/ (* (sin ka3) 0.5) (+ k 1)))) (setf (aref cosines k) (* (aref cosines k) one-over-two-pi))) (loop for j from 0 to table-size and x from 0.0 by two-pi-over-table-size do (setf (aref glot-table j) 0.0) (loop for k from 1 to harms do (incf (aref glot-table j) (+ (* (aref cosines k) (cos (* k x))) (* (aref sines k) (sin (* k x)))))))) (setf s-glot-mix 1.0) (setf delta (/ 1.0 (- next-offset i))) (when (/= first-glot 0) (loop for i from 0 to table-size do (setf (aref glot-table2 i) (aref glot-table i))) (setf first-glot 0)) (setf new-glot 0)) (decf s-glot-mix delta) (setf s-glot (env glot-env)) (setf s-noise (env noise-env)) (setf pitch (env frq-env)) (setf vibr-amt (env vib-env)) (setf table-increment (* pitch (+ 1.0 (* vibr-amt (oscil vib-osc)) (rand-interp ran-vib)) table-size-over-sampling-rate)) (setf last-lip-out (+ last-lip-in last-tract-plus)) (setf last-lip-refl (* (+ last-lip-in last-tract-plus) lip-refl-gain)) (setf last-lip-in last-tract-plus) ;; next glot tick (let ((table1 0.0) (table2 0.0) (int-loc 0)) (setf glotsamp (* (aref dline2 1) glot-refl-gain)) (when (/= table-increment 0.0) (incf table-location table-increment) (when (>= table-location table-size) (decf table-location table-size)) (setf int-loc (floor table-location)) (setf table1 (aref glot-table int-loc)) (setf table2 (aref glot-table2 int-loc)) (incf glotsamp (* s-glot (+ table1 (* s-glot-mix (- table2 table1))))) ;; glot noise tick (when (and (/= (aref gn-table int-loc) 0.0) (/= gn-gain 0.0)) (setf gn-out (- (* gn-gain s-glot (- 1.0 (random 2.0))) ;guessing here about random() (* (aref gn-coeffs 3) (aref gn-del 3)) (* (aref gn-coeffs 2) (aref gn-del 2)) (* (aref gn-coeffs 1) (aref gn-del 1)) (* (aref gn-coeffs 0) (aref gn-del 0)))) (loop for j from 3 downto 1 and k from 2 by -1 do (setf (aref gn-del j) (aref gn-del k))) (setf (aref gn-del 0) gn-out)) (incf glotsamp (* gn-out (aref gn-table int-loc))))) ;; next tract tick (let ((j 0) (temp1 0.0) (temp 0.0)) (setf (aref lt 0) (+ (aref dline1 2) (aref dline2 2))) (setf (aref dline2 1) (+ (aref dline2 2) (* (aref coeffs 1) (- glotsamp (aref dline2 2))))) (setf temp (+ glotsamp (- (aref dline2 1) (aref dline2 2)))) (loop for j from 2 below noseposition do (setf (aref dline2 j) (+ (aref dline2 (+ j 1)) (* (aref coeffs j) (- (aref dline1 (- j 1)) (aref dline2 (+ j 1)))))) (setf temp1 temp) (setf temp (+ (aref dline1 (- j 1)) (- (aref dline2 j) (aref dline2 (+ j 1))))) (setf (aref dline1 (- j 1)) temp1)) (setf j noseposition) ;added ;;next nasal tick (let ((plussamp (aref dline1 (- j 1))) (minussamp (aref dline2 (+ j 1))) (nose-reftemp 0.0)) (if (and (= velum-pos 0.0) (>= time-nose-closed nose-ring-time)) (progn (setf nose-reftemp (+ (* (aref alpha 1) plussamp) (* (aref alpha 2) minussamp) (* (aref alpha 3) (aref nose2 1)))) (setf nose-last-minus-refl (- nose-reftemp plussamp)) (setf nose-last-plus-refl (- nose-reftemp minussamp))) (progn (if (/= velum-pos 0.0) (setf time-nose-closed 0) (incf time-nose-closed)) ;; nasal tick (let* ((nose-t1 0.0) (nose-temp 0.0) (nose-reftemp (+ (* (aref alpha 1) plussamp) (* (aref alpha 2) minussamp) (* (aref alpha 3) (aref nose2 1)))) (plus-in (* velum-pos (- nose-reftemp (aref nose2 1))))) (setf nose-last-minus-refl (- nose-reftemp plussamp)) (setf nose-last-plus-refl (- nose-reftemp minussamp)) (setf nose-reftemp (* (aref nose-coeffs 1) (- plus-in (aref nose2 2)))) (setf (aref nose2 1) (+ (aref nose2 2) nose-reftemp)) (setf nose-temp (+ plus-in nose-reftemp)) (loop for j from 2 below (1- noselength) do (setf nose-reftemp (* (aref nose-coeffs j) (- (aref nose1 (- j 1)) (aref nose2 (+ j 1))))) (setf (aref nose2 j) (+ (aref nose2 (+ j 1)) nose-reftemp)) (setf nose-t1 nose-temp) (setf nose-temp (+ (aref nose1 (- j 1)) nose-reftemp)) (setf (aref nose1 (- j 1)) nose-t1)) (setf nose-reftemp (* (aref nose-coeffs (- noselength 1)) (- (aref nose1 (- noselength 2)) (* nose-last-output 0.25)))) (setf (aref nose2 (- noselength 1)) (+ (* nose-last-output 0.25) nose-reftemp)) (setf (aref nose1 (- noselength 1)) (+ (aref nose1 (- noselength 2)) nose-reftemp)) (setf (aref nose1 (- noselength 2)) nose-temp) (setf nose-filt1 nose-filt) (setf nose-filt (aref nose1 (- noselength 1))) (setf nose-last-output (* (+ nose-filt nose-filt1) 0.5))))) (setf (aref dline2 j) nose-last-minus-refl)) (setf temp1 temp) (setf temp nose-last-plus-refl) (setf (aref dline1 (- j 1)) temp1) (loop for j from (+ noseposition 1) below (- tractlength 1) do (setf (aref dline2 j) (+ (aref dline2 (+ j 1)) (* (aref coeffs j) (- (aref dline1 (- j 1)) (aref dline2 (+ j 1)))))) (setf temp1 temp) (setf temp (+ (aref dline1 (- j 1)) (- (aref dline2 j) (aref dline2 (+ j 1))))) (setf (aref dline1 (- j 1)) temp1)) (setf (aref dline2 (- tractlength 1)) (+ last-lip-refl (* (aref coeffs (- tractlength 1)) (- (aref dline1 (- tractlength 2)) last-lip-refl)))) (setf (aref dline1 (- tractlength 1)) (+ (aref dline1 (- tractlength 2)) (- (aref dline2 (- tractlength 1)) last-lip-refl))) (setf (aref dline1 (- tractlength 2)) temp) (when (/= noise-gain 0.0) (setf noise-input (- 1.0 (random 2.0))) ;a guess (loop for j from 3 downto 1 and k from 2 by -1 do (setf (aref outz j) (aref outz k))) (setf (aref outz 0) noise-output) (setf noise-output (- noise-input inz2)) (loop for i from 0 below 4 do (decf noise-output (* (aref noise-c i) (aref outz i)))) (setf inz2 inz1) (setf inz1 noise-input) (incf (aref dline1 (floor noise-pos)) (* noise-output noise-gain s-noise))) (setf last-tract-plus (* (aref dline1 (- tractlength 1)) lip-radius))) (setf (aref lt 1) (* ltgain (+ (aref lt 0) (* ltcoeff (aref lt 1))))) (outa i (* amp (+ last-lip-out nose-last-output (aref lt 1)))))) ))) #| (with-sound () (singer 0 .1 '((.4 ehh.shp test.glt 523.0 .8 0.0 .01) (.6 oo.shp test.glt 523.0 .7 .1 .01)))) (with-sound () (singer 0 .1 '((.05 ehh.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ehh.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 kkk.shp test.glt 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) (.05 kkk.shp test.glt 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) (.02 kk+.shp test.glt 523.0 0.0 1.0 .01) (.08 kk+.shp test.glt 523.0 0.0 0.2 .01) (.05 ooo.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ooo.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 eee.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 eee.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 ehh.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ehh.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 mmm.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 mmm.shp test.glt 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.10 mmm.shp test.glt 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) ))) (with-sound () (singer 0 .1 '((.05 ehh.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ehh.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 kkk.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) (.05 kkk.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) (.02 kk+.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.0 1.0 .01) (.08 kk+.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.0 0.2 .01) (.05 ooo.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ooo.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 eee.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 eee.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 ehh.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 ehh.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.05 mmm.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.15 mmm.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.8 0.0 .01) (.10 mmm.shp "pistol.snd" 523.0 0.0 0.0 .01) ))) |# (defvar test.glt (list 10 .65 .65)) (defvar loud.glt (list 13 .6 .6)) (defvar soft.glt (list 13 0.65 0.73)) (defvar wide4.glt (list 18 0.534 0.56)) (defvar wide5.glt (list 10 0.65 0.65)) (defvar greekdefault.glt (list 20 0.65 0.672472)) (defvar lowbass.glt (list 99 0.5 0.17737593)) (defvar aa.shp (list 8 0.63110816 0.94615144 1.0756062 0.9254686 0.9928594 0.98307705 1.4507878 0.95167005 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar hh2.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.61326 0.39779 0.530387 0.679558 0.961326 1.44199 1.09392 0.7 -0.203125 1.0 0.0 554.1667 0.8 2000.0 0.772222 0.0)) (defvar dhh.shp (list 8 0.828729 1.45856 0.9882353 0.662983 0.9352941 1.2529411 0.40588236 1.1740758 0.7 -0.140625 7.0 0.023333002 3039.613 0.691692 1264.1677 0.404788 0.0)) (defvar aah.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.9937591 0.817757 1.1907763 1.3149668 1.0705689 0.7 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar hhh.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.61326 0.39779 0.530387 0.679558 0.961326 1.44199 1.09392 0.7 -0.203125 1.0 0.046296295 554.1667 0.8 2000.0 0.7722222 0.0)) (defvar ohh.shp (list 8 1.02762 0.696133 0.39779 0.513812 0.6371682 1.4070797 1.80663 0.5044248 0.7 -0.2 1.0 0.0 1000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ah.shp (list 8 0.7162393 0.6389201 0.8881412 0.6060006 1.293248 1.4140776 1.8503952 0.8622935 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar oo.shp (list 8 0.46043858 1.0865723 0.33916336 0.88724023 0.9989101 1.224445 0.39867023 0.506609 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ahh.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 1.65746 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ee-.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.679558 0.629834 0.24817872 0.56896555 0.662983 0.7 -0.403125 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.09677419)) (defvar hoo.shp (list 8 1.32597 1.29282 0.39779 0.530387 1.32597 1.34254 1.78182 0.46408796 0.7 -0.4 1.0 0.031045755 2215.7856 0.82698005 1026.6984 0.96960765 0.0)) (defvar ooo.shp (list 8 1.32597 1.29282 0.39779 0.530387 1.32597 1.34254 1.78182 0.464088 0.7 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ee.shp (list 8 1.02 1.637 1.67 1.558 0.952 0.501 0.681 0.675 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ih.shp (list 8 0.72092783 1.2719809 1.3881364 0.6532612 0.7501422 0.65654784 0.8194081 0.6556785 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ee2.shp (list 8 0.9180887 1.3481673 1.3433423 0.74573994 0.593326 0.5647744 0.6692766 0.7419633 0.7 -0.405254 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ihh.shp (list 8 0.7906788 1.272475 1.4089537 0.68072784 0.62673146 0.7479623 0.7506758 0.7054355 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar open.shp (list 8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar thh.shp (list 8 0.828729 1.45856 0.9882353 0.662983 0.9352941 1.2529411 0.40588236 1.1740758 0.7 -0.140625 7.0 0.101764 3039.613 0.691692 1264.1677 0.404788 0.0)) (defvar aw.shp (list 8 1.0525645 0.643587 0.935229 0.4901642 1.0743295 1.1822895 1.4161918 0.82537806 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar eee.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.679558 0.629834 0.646409 0.56896555 0.662983 0.7 -0.403125 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar tt+.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.18584079 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.388889 10514.583 0.854335 1315.2043 0.280428 0.0)) (defvar aww.shp (list 8 1.02762 0.696133 0.563536 0.513812 0.977901 1.37569 1.80663 0.712707 0.7 -0.2 1.0 0.0 1000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar eee2.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.679558 0.629834 0.646409 0.5117647 0.662983 0.7 -0.203125 7.3688526 0.0 5214.53 0.975806 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar jjj.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.1592921 1.1464338 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.098039 2315.7278 0.7089554 3066.7 0.7983351 0.0)) (defvar ttt.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.0 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.388889 10514.583 0.854335 1315.2043 0.280428 0.0)) (defvar bb2.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 0.46902645 0.5486725 0.65486723 1.079646 1.3982301 0.0 0.7 -0.2 8.0 0.03 500.0 0.98 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar eh.shp (list 8 0.7866194 1.1630946 1.2335452 0.93186677 0.94121367 0.7586716 1.3509308 0.8279036 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar kk+.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.1592921 1.061947 1.1907763 1.3149668 1.0705689 0.7 -0.4 4.0 0.4 2000.0 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar pipe1.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar tzz.shp (list 8 0.828729 1.45856 0.9882353 0.662983 0.9352941 1.2529411 0.40588236 1.1740758 0.7 -0.140625 7.0 0.101764 3039.613 0.691692 1264.1677 0.404788 0.0)) (defvar bbb.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 0.46902645 0.5486725 0.65486723 1.079646 1.3982301 0.0 0.7 -0.2 8.0 0.03 500.0 0.98 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ehh.shp (list 8 0.682 1.554 1.581 1.367 1.315 1.579 0.843 1.476 0.7 -0.24507 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar kk2.shp (list 8 0.82140243 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.0 1.061947 1.1907763 1.3149668 1.0705689 0.7 -0.4 5.0 0.01 2000.0 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar pp+.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 0.3362832 0.49557513 0.7079646 1.2389379 1.1327434 0.29203534 0.7 -0.2 8.0 0.040740736 0.0 0.89649165 2082.2144 0.8713607 0.0)) (defvar uhh.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.61326 0.39779 0.530387 0.679558 0.961326 1.44199 1.09392 0.7 -0.203125 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar big.shp (list 8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar euu.shp (list 8 0.9285748 1.3756071 1.3747121 0.6794088 0.60398144 0.43471563 0.8356653 0.7158814 0.7 -0.403122 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar kkk.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.0 1.061947 1.1907763 1.3149668 1.0705689 0.7 -0.4 4.0 0.09444445 2000.0 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ppp.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 0.3362832 0.49557513 0.7079646 1.2389379 1.1327434 0.0 0.7 -0.2 8.0 0.05 500.0 0.98 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar uu.shp (list 8 0.45291674 1.0539645 0.39576897 0.8116293 1.0510263 1.1789232 0.47529656 0.62563825 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar fff.shp (list 8 0.93787295 0.70496833 0.8969878 0.60815966 0.9375178 0.7412625 1.1285298 0.2665695 0.7 -0.202603 8.0 0.10341219 8236.909 0.945306 79.28094 0.498648 0.0)) (defvar ll2.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.71772796 0.807417 1.02762 1.65746 0.36206907 0.86510503 0.7 -0.258055 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.20806663)) (defvar uuu.shp (list 8 0.55 0.943094 1.035 0.434071 1.14681 1.487 0.555 0.656 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar lll.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.7330638 0.8156748 1.02762 1.65746 0.3620689 0.944751 0.7 -0.103125 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.21774194)) (defvar rolledr.shp (list 8 0.3365169 0.9244819 1.0542682 0.4485168 1.0597233 0.054845095 0.66896766 0.8336522 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar vvv.shp (list 8 0.9400966 0.6775904 0.88759726 0.59890866 0.9485658 0.737778 1.1542239 0.23893797 0.7 -0.2 8.0 0.5 8500.0 0.95 0.0 0.5 0.0)) (defvar rolledrc.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.0 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar mmm.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.7 -0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.503268)) (defvar rolledro.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.42477876 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar breath.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 1.65746 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.018518519 2588.6013 0.90612125 812.6343 0.9814815 0.0)) (defvar moo.shp (list 8 1.32597 1.29282 0.39779 0.530387 1.32597 1.34254 1.78182 0.0 0.7 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.30645162)) (defvar rr2.shp (list 8 0.3365169 0.9244819 1.0542682 0.4485168 1.0597233 0.71856207 0.66896766 0.7274576 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32.000004 0.0)) (defvar chh.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.1592921 1.1464338 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.098039 2315.7278 0.7089554 3066.7 0.7983351 0.0)) (defvar gg2.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.4122405 0.40788835 0.0 0.8495575 0.7129002 0.7308959 0.7785335 0.7 -0.4 4.0 0.05 2000.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar nng.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 1.0333333 0.0 1.0 0.99999994 0.9568965 1.3189656 0.7 -0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (defvar rrr.shp (list 8 0.3365169 0.9244819 1.0542682 0.4485168 1.0597233 0.71856207 0.66896766 0.7274576 0.9 -0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar wsp.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 1.65746 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.018518519 0.0 0.97 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar ggg.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.0 0.8495575 0.7129002 0.7308959 0.7785335 0.7 -0.4 4.0 0.05 2000.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar nnn.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4579439 1.0 0.0 0.9568965 1.3189656 0.7 -0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.503268)) (defvar sh2.shp (list 8 0.828729 1.45856 0.9882353 0.662983 0.9352941 1.2529411 0.40588236 0.9882353 0.7 -0.140625 7.0 0.0 2451.5984 0.928097 2957.0518 0.883636 0.0)) (defvar xx2.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.8495575 0.3451327 0.646409 0.56896555 0.662983 0.7 -0.403125 5.0 0.022222 2102.0833 0.805556 1735.4166 0.759259 0.0)) (defvar dd2.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.0 0.72165513 0.5996184 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.02 4851.6665 0.953704 2500.0 0.966296 0.0)) (defvar ggg1.shp (list 8 0.8214024 0.7839217 1.0981537 0.18584079 1.061947 1.1907763 1.3149668 1.0705689 0.7 -0.4 4.0 0.4 2000.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar noisahh.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 1.65746 1.62431 0.944751 0.7 -0.45 1.0 0.005 0.0 0.787037 3777.0835 0.759259 0.0)) (defvar shh.shp (list 8 0.828729 1.45856 0.9882353 0.662983 0.9352941 1.2529411 0.40588236 0.9882353 0.7 -0.140625 7.0 0.023333 2451.5984 0.9280972 2957.0518 0.88363576 0.0)) (defvar xxx.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.3451327 0.6371682 0.646409 0.56896555 0.662983 0.7 -0.403125 4.0 0.022222219 2102.0833 0.8055556 612.5 0.7592593 0.0)) (defvar ddd.shp (list 8 0.928177 0.779006 0.629834 0.629834 1.02762 0.0 0.72165513 0.5996184 0.7 -0.45 6.0 0.02 4851.6665 0.953704 2500.0 0.966296 0.0)) (defvar gxx.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.37569 1.37569 0.3451327 0.6371682 0.646409 0.56896555 0.662983 0.7 -0.403125 4.0 0.022222 2102.0833 0.805556 612.5 0.759259 0.0)) (defvar none.shp (list 8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (defvar sss.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.3588235 1.3588235 0.679558 0.61764705 0.63529414 0.31764707 0.65294117 0.7 -0.103125 7.0 0.105292 1500.0 0.916452 4943.75 0.97222227 0.0)) (defvar zzz.shp (list 8 0.928177 1.3588235 1.3588235 0.679558 0.61764705 0.63529414 0.31764707 0.65294117 0.7 -0.103125 7.0 0.016 1500.0 0.9257112 4943.75 0.925926 0.0))