1998-12-17 Gary William Flake * (VERSION) 2.1 * (assoc.c, ca.c, misc.c, misc.h, plot.c, stutter.c) minor changes in source by Mike Miller to mesh in the new Mac plot driver. * (macplot.c) new Mac driver by Mike Miller. Thanks Mike. 1998-10-23 Gary William Flake * (VERSION) 2.0 * (README) updates for WIN32 crud. * (cbn98) subdiractory structure contains workspace and project files to maintain code under MS VC. Note to myself: have I sold my soul? * (diffuse.c) now finishes when growth hits edge. Otherwise, statistics get messed up and new growth beyond edge is extremely non-random. * (ALL) changed some default settings so that no command-line options typically do The Right Thing. * (winplot.cpp, win98.cpp) now have support for WIN32 graphics driver. Why does this make me feel cheap? * (plot.c) made plot_mag belong to plot.c. Now X11 and future WIN32 drivers reference it externally. * (Makefile) yeah, it's extremely convoluted. Deal with it. 1998-10-19 Gary William Flake * (VERSION) 1.1. * (x11xplot.c) added X11 graphics driver which is based on x11 but works in color. Color map is made from shifting hue from 0 to 360 degress, with saturation and brightness set to 100 percent. * (ALL) reorganized distribution to have cleaner subdirectory structure. 1998-8-1 Gary William Flake * (VERSION) 1.0.