;;; -*- syntax: common-lisp; base: 10; mode: lisp -*- ;;; NREV (the most popular Samson box reverb) (defun prime (val) (or (= val 2) (and (oddp val) (do ((i 3 (+ i 2)) (lim (sqrt val))) ((or (= 0 (mod val i)) (> i lim)) (> i lim)))))) (definstrument nrev (startime dur &key (reverb-factor 1.09) (lp-coeff 0.7) (output-scale 1.0) (volume 1.0) amp-env) ;; reverb-factor controls the length of the decay -- it should not exceed (/ 1.0 .823) ;; lp-coeff controls the strength of the low pass filter inserted in the feedback loop ;; output-scale can be used to boost the reverb output (let* ((srscale (/ *srate* 25641)) (val 0) (envA (if amp-env (make-env :envelope amp-env :scaler output-scale :duration dur))) (dly-len (make-array 15 :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1433 1601 1867 2053 2251 2399 347 113 37 59 53 43 37 29 19)))) ; was backwards??? -- 19 29 37 43 53 59 37 113 347 2399 2251 2053 1867 1601 1433 (loop for i below 15 do (setf val (floor (* srscale (aref dly-len i)))) (if (= 0 (mod val 2)) (incf val)) (loop while (not (prime val)) do (incf val 2)) (setf (aref dly-len i) val)) (let* ((comb1 (make-comb (* .822 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 0))) (comb2 (make-comb (* .802 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 1))) (comb3 (make-comb (* .773 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 2))) (comb4 (make-comb (* .753 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 3))) (comb5 (make-comb (* .753 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 4))) (comb6 (make-comb (* .733 reverb-factor) (aref dly-len 5))) (low (make-one-pole lp-coeff (- lp-coeff 1.0))) (chan2 (> (mus-channels *output*) 1)) (chan4 (= (mus-channels *output*) 4)) (allpass1 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 6))) (allpass2 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 7))) (allpass3 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 8))) (allpass4 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 9))) ; 10 for quad (allpass5 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 11))) (allpass6 (if chan2 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 12)))) (allpass7 (if chan4 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 13)))) (allpass8 (if chan4 (make-all-pass -0.700 0.700 (aref dly-len 14)))) (rev 0.0) (outrev 0.0) (beg (floor (* startime *srate*))) (end (+ beg (floor (* dur *srate*))))) (run (loop for i from beg to end do (setf rev (* volume (ina i *reverb*))) (setf outrev (comb comb1 rev)) ; (all-pass allpass4 ; (one-pole low ; (all-pass allpass3 ; (all-pass allpass2 ; (all-pass allpass1 ; (+ (comb comb1 rev) ; ))))))) ;;(comb comb2 rev) ;;(comb comb3 rev) ;;(comb comb4 rev) ;;(comb comb5 rev) ;;(comb comb6 rev)))))))) (if envA (setf output-scale (env envA))) (outa i (* output-scale (all-pass allpass5 outrev))) (if chan2 (outb i (* output-scale (all-pass allpass6 outrev)))) (if chan4 (outc i (* output-scale (all-pass allpass7 outrev)))) (if chan4 (outd i (* output-scale (all-pass allpass8 outrev)))))) )))