Some patterns to check out: breeder: the full blown breeder pattern which constructs an infinite number of glider guns as it moves to the right in the universe. This is *big*. cmu: well, if you didn't know already, CMU's official logo is a 14 degree square. Run this to see *why* it is. Just kidding ... really >:-) shuttletrail: defines a period-20 rake flotilla that leaves a trail of shuttles at 10 cell intervals. ex: contains the example patterns referred to in the file pattern_editing. p[1-9][1-9]*: oscillators of period n centinial: *s*entinal (i kin spill weyl :-) longsnake: collapsing gliders gourmet: interesting new clock pattern randomgun: look carefully, then beat your head against the wall to clear your brain. alu: even worse counter: my head hurts ... blockpusher*: push da weetle block down the screen ... slowship*: *large* spaceships plus lots and lots of nifty patterns which have been snarfed from all over the place. You should see somewhere in there just about every interesting little creature you ever heard of. If you come up with any more good patterns (hopefully smaller than the breeder :-), please send them over to us!