Homework 3 - audio effects and pattern generators.

Demo of dynamical system notes and MIDI pitches

Full on -- both pitches and tonal quality from same dynamical system. The a0 variation affects both notes and timbres. Based on 1-dyn-notes.ck and 3-dyn-del-ins.ck.

live code
fun float map( float x, float a0) { -0.7 => float a1; 2.0 => float a2; return a0 + (a1 * x) + (a2 * x * x); } class MapTick { Gain x => Gain x1; x => Gain x2; x => Gain x2b => x2; 3 => x1.op; 3 => x2.op; // clarinet-like pitches, envelope moved to map Step c => Envelope e => Gain a0 => Gain out; c => Gain a1 => x1 => out; c => Gain a2 => x2 => out; out => dac => DelayL d => OneZero lpf => Gain loop => x; fun void startNote( float f, float a) { 1.0::second/f => d.delay; a => a0.gain; -0.7 => a1.gain; 2.0 => a2.gain; 0.95 => loop.gain; 150::ms => dur t => e.duration; e.keyOn(); } fun void stopNote() { 0.0 => loop.gain; e.keyOff(); } } MapTick ins; 15 => int numRiffs; for( int ctr; ctr < numRiffs; ctr++ ) { (((ctr)$float)/(numRiffs-1$float)) => float ramp; 0.1 => float x; -0.3 + (ramp * (-0.7 - -0.3)) => float a0; <<< "a0:", a0 >>>; for( int i; i < 10; i++ ) { map(x, a0) => x; Math.min (Math.max ( (440.0 + (x * 220.0)), 50.0), 4000.0) => float freq; ins.startNote(freq, a0); 100::ms => now; ins.stopNote(); } 500::ms => now; }