Homework: Gestural Synth

  • Out: Nov 9, 2021 Tuesday
  • Due: Nov 18, 2021 Thursday


This homework is a quick study on how to work with a physical controller, which may be of interest for your final project. Familiarize yourself with handling gestural data from the controller and make a short recording of your performance that doesn't sound like the starter code.

You can either use a GameTrak controller or a generic USB gamepad.

Key Results

  1. Submit your project to the hw5 directory.
  2. The index.html file should include:
  3. The documentation of changes you made on top of the starter code.
  4. A short audio clip of your performance with creative notes.

Starter Code

  • Left string controls a sawtooth oscillator with three parameters: filter cutoff frequency and oscillator frequency. These are mapped to the string's X and Y axes, respectively.
  • Right string controls the 3D position of the oscillator: X, Z axes correspond to the 2D horizontal plane, and Y axis is mapped to the loudness of the audio output.
  1. Plug in your GameTrak controller to the computer.
  2. Go to the starter code and fork your own version.
  3. Press the "Start" button to start the app.
  4. Press the "Record" button and do your performance.
  5. Press the "Stop" to create a .wav file.
  6. Create your project index.html page and upload the entire project to the appropriate directory (~/Library/Web/220a/hw5).


Gametraks are 3D input devices designed for golf game simulators. They consist of two strings attached to retractable spools in devices usually sitting on the floor. Held in the hands or attached to arms, the ends of the strings can be waved around in a large volume or space. The devices are connected via USB and provide continuous readings of hand positions in 3D values relative to their attachment points on the base. Computer musicians have made use of them because of the large workspace, ease of connection, reliability and low cost. (example)

They are (sadly) long out of production.