file permissions after using scp, sftp for transferring files

-- all CCRMA machines work with the same shared file system
-- all CCRMA machines can be remotely connected to
-- if one goes down (like did on Monday), you can target another to get the same work done

-- all CCRMA files are generally "shareable" by default
-- laptop files of your own may not be shareable by default
-- when you transfer files to CCRMA, restricted permissions may or may not be copied to CCRMA

-- homework factory files need to be shareable to be seen from the web
-- if your transferred laptop files aren't shareable, they won't be seen

-- you can transfer files various ways, scp and sftp are two common utilities for that
-- the way a file's permissions are transferred by utilities depends on version and operating system
-- if things aren't working (file doesn't show from web) check its permissions on the CCRMA side
-- login remotely to a CCRMA machine with ssh
  (in a terminal ssh -Y <your_ccrma_name>
-- you can change the permissions with "chmod" UNIX command (or in the file browser GUI)

here's a file that is not shareable via the web and I check it with
ls -l 

[cc@localhost 220aNewStuff]$ ssh -Y 
Welcome to CCRMA, Stanford University
[This system is for authorized use only]
  i7-3820: 4 cores, 8 threads, 32G ram
Last login: Tue Oct  9 13:11:59 2018 from
[cc@ccrma-gate ~]$ cd lw/220a/hw0/
[cc@ccrma-gate hw0]$ ls -l  test.txt
-rw-------. 1 cc users 66 Oct 16 11:03 test.txt

now change it's permissions

[cc@ccrma-gate hw0]$ chmod +r test.txt 

and check it again

[cc@ccrma-gate hw0]$ ls -l  test.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 cc users 66 Oct 16 11:03 test.txt


From Nando:

Check permissions (it does not matter what you used 
to upload the files)...

Files have to be readable by everyone to be able to be served by the web 

In one case of hw0 all three files were only readable by the student and that is 
why they are getting the error.


instead of:


first set of three letters are the permissions for you, the second set 
are permissions for your main group (users) and the third set for 
everyone (including the web server).

You can use the "chmod" command from a terminal to fix them, or the 
equivalent permissions panel in the graphical browser.

For example, the command:

chmod +r <file_name>

would fix the permissions for the affected file...
("man chmod" will tell you exactly what options you have available)