Music 220A - Fall '04

HW1 Survival Guide

How to run unBird.scm

FAQ: unBird.scm

Use of the frequency envelope

I specified my frequency to sweep from 3700 to 700, like
(bird beg .03 3700 700 .05 descending main-amp)
and it does not go as low as 700 Hz. Why?

Debugging Tips

The nested parentheses are too messy.

Miscellaneous but useful things

Please try these two commands in the terminal:

sndinfo your_soundfile
sndplay your_soundfile
sndinfo gives the essential information about a sound file, e.g. sampling rate, format, and length. sndplay plays a sound file from commandline, without opening another application window.

Snd offers an option to tell the frequency and the amplitude of a spectram.
Go to the top pull-down menu, choose options -> transform options.
Click on "peaks" in the right colomn.

Broken links in your HW website

You first have to test the page with a browser. If it complains that file is not found, follow the instruction below.

I cannot listen to my soundfile from outside CCRMA

Possibly your soundfile is in a different format than .wav (microsoft wave file) format,
which is the de facto standard for many computers.
Open the soundfile with Snd, and Edit -> Edit Header, and choose header - wave. Then Save.

Music 220A - Fall '04
Hiroko Terasawa & Chris Chafe / CCRMA, Stanford University