

We tried exciting tube resonances (either real or synthetic) with sine tones from a signal generator application.
(it's called  ~cc/220/demo) Kinks in the hand-drawn waveform create harmonics.

The difference between the hw2 tube script and a real tube is due to low-pass filtering in the tube feedback loop.

Sampling frequency range is constrained by the Nyquist rate (half the sampling rate).

Snd's control panel allows filtering, reverb, etc. Use it for this is short assignment -- hw3 (due Oct-18)
(load "bird.scm")  ; copy this source file from /usr/ccrma/lisp/src/snd
...now you have a managerie of birds in a sound file
Make a new bird from a hand-edited montage of "official birds."  Try some filter, reverb, etc. from the control panel. Then, record the name of the new bird using your voice and add the bird call to the recording. Save as  ~/Library/Web/220a/birdcall.wav
and we'll play them in class.