Measure the distance between the two boats full of Stanford students.

On September 12, we dropped two hydrophones from boats outside the Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey. A frying pan was struck underwater near to one of them while both were recording to digital tape. The impulse arrived first at the near mic and after a short interval at the second. Use the computer to see the recording. From a terminal window, launch Snd with the file by typing "snd /user/c/cc/220/hw1.wav &"

to ascertain the distance (in meters) between the boats. Email the answer to

Hint: sound travels 5 times faster in water than in air. You can get the speed in air from either our text (appendix) or by starting on the next assignment. A one to two foot hunk of tube will be cut, measured metrically, and its internal echo time recorded. We'll measure the time between echoes to get the speed of sound in air since we know the length of the round trip path in the tube.