Exercise 1: Found Media

due on 1.8 (Wed)


I. Please read The Analytical Language of John Wilkins by Jorge Luis Borges.

Theoretically, the number of numbering systems is unlimited. The most complete (used by the divinities and the angels) has an infinite number of symbols, one for each individual number; the simplest needs only two. Zero is written as 0, one 1, two 10, three 11, four 100, five 101, six 110, seven 111, eight 1000... This is an invention by Leibniz, who was stimulated (it seems) by the enigmatic hexagrammes of I Ching.

II. Using video editing software of your choice produce a 1 minute video response to Borges consisting of a minimum of 5 video and 5 audio elements.

III. The source material should be found footage of your choice. You can find free, public domain video and sound at the Prelinger Archive and Free Sound.

IV. When using found video footage all cuts (edits) have to be your own. Please do not use fragments that include edits done by original authors.

V. Upload your video to Youtube, send a link to Hannah by class time and bring a copy on a thumb drive.

VI. Be prepared to discuss your reasoning and choices.