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15% Attendance and participation

30% Homework

25% Midterm exam

30% Final exam


Attendance and participation includes coming to class on time; completing the assigned readings before class; and participating in in-class demos. Please feel free to ask questions at any point in the lectures! Students who need to miss class for excused reasons (e.g. illness, conference travel) should notify the professor or TA in advance, and make arrangements to turn in assignments, collect materials passed out in class, etc.


Homework: There will generally be two short problem sets assigned from the textbook each week. Occasionally, additional short assignments will be handed out. Problems for a chapter are usually due by 5pm on the next class day following the lecture on that chapter. Please review the policy on late days.


Midterm exam: The midterm is scheduled for the usual class time on Monday, February 12 (week 6). It is closed book and covers chapters 1-8 of the textbook.


Final exam: The final exam is scheduled for **TBD** (during finals week). It is closed book and covers the entire quarter, with greater emphasis on content from the second half of the course.


Students can add as much as 15% to their final grades by completing extra credit experiments, projects, or papers approved by the instructor.


Class Home | Schedule | Grading | Late Days | Extra Credit