Music 120 - Fall 2003
Auditory remapping of bioinformatics: sonification of complex data

Jonathan Berger / Woon Seung Yeo

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Project Help: week 6 & 7 (10/28/03, 11/04/03)

Project utilities

Sample data sets

data sets from Mike West (Duke)
eeg depression seizures
NASA - global change data sets of all types

Perl scripts

perlscript example for grabbing data in 'real time' (pings)
sonify ping output
perl script to grab real time stock quotes (syntax: quote <tickername>) - use the ping script example to grab just the value(s) you want

Probability and Random Processes

Can be used for "algorithmic" composition (or modification)

State machine

Markov chain: a special(?) case of finite state machine

Cellular Automata / Game of Life

Pd examples

Data preparation


  1. Getting the data in / parsing
  2. Conditioning the data
  3. Mapping to synthesis

Numeric preparation

Possible I/Os



PD objects review

Music 120 - Fall 2003 / Auditory remapping of bioinformatics: sonification of complex data
Jonathan Berger / Woon Seung Yeo / CCRMA, Stanford University
Last updated: 11/04/03