Music 250B - Winter 2013

250B Interactive Sound Art

Wiki Page: 

Sasha Leitman (
Jonathan Abel (

Teaching Assistant:
Eoin Callery (

Course Overview:
Interactive Sound Art is a project based class that focuses on the creation of interactive sound art installations.  This year we explore reverberation, and are joined by special guest, Universal Audio Co-founder, Jonathan Abel.  Taking inspiration from the materials of our daily life and the particular acoustical phenomenon that these materials produce, students will combinine their discoveries with Physical Interaction Design and Digital Signal Processing techniques to create works of art.  The culmination of the class is a 2 week presentation of the work at the Reverberent Interactions Exhibit at CELLSpace Gallery, San Francisco from April 6 - 19.  Each student will present their own work at the final showing but we will work together as a group to provide share skills and provide constructive feedback.  The homework and class time will be focused on the final project and will provide an opportunity to imagine, plan and realize a single creative project.

Course Times:
Monday, Wednesday 3:15 - 5:05

Lab Hours:
Thursday 5:15 - 7:05


Homework: 25%
Participation: 15%
Final Project: 60%


  Week: 1

Monday 1/7
      Class Overview

Introductions and 10 minute sketch experiment

Wednesday 1/9
       Group Experiment


Week: 2

Monday 1/14
      Reverberation by Jonathan

Homework (Due Wed 1/16): Do a short sketch of an idea based on Jonathan's reverberation lecture.


Wednesday 1/16
    Show sketch of reverberation idea to class.  

Resonance by Jonathan


Homework (Due Thurs 1/17): Do one of these readings and summarize it for the class during the Thursday lab session. Each reading will have two students assigned to it. XXXXXLINK


Thursday 1/17 Talk about readings

Sound Art Examples


 Homework( Due 1/31): Do the PRL safety training.


Week: 3

Wednesday 1/23
        Stuff Eoin Finds Interesting

Robustness, Homemade Sensors

Homework (Due Mon 1/28): 7 Ideas: Each idea should include 1 drawing and at least 1 sentence describing the drawing.
Homework (Due Tues 1/22): Go to each of your classmates websites and post comments on their 7 additional ideas. Half of the ideas should be ones that you have the time, money and skills to create. Half can be out




Week: 4

Monday 1/28
        Design, Interactivity and User Experience

Homework (Due Mon 2/4): Narrow ideas down to 3 favorites. Fill out and post a work plan for each project. Find 5 examples of work that relates to your work.

Homework (Due Tues 2/5): Go to each of your classmates websites and look at their work plans. If you can offer help in any of the areas of expertise that they might be lacking, post it on their webpage.


Wednesday 1/31

Work Day


Week: 5

Monday 2/4
        Intro to DSP
        Homemade Sensors

Homework (Due Mon 2/11): Decide on Final Project. Make a full Project Plan and timeline.

Wednesday 2/6
        Class discussion about overall exhibit
        Work Day


Week: 6

Monday 2/11
        Work Day

Homework (Due Wed 2/13): Choose 1 reading and be prepared to summarize it for the class.

Wednesday 2/13
        Discuss Readings
        Work Day


Week: 7

Monday 2/18
        No Class


Wednesday 2/20
        Work Day


Week: 8

Monday 2/25
        Tech Lecture 2 (Topic TBD based on Class Projects)
        Group Discussion about Curation

Homework (Due Wed 2/27): Choose 1 reading and be prepared to summarize it for the class.


Wednesday 2/27
        Work Day
        Discuss Readings

Homework (Due Mon 3/4): Prepare, and post on your website, an updated summary of where your work stands and what needs to be done to complete it. Asses whether you feel you are moving in the right direction and if you need to make any significant changes.

 Week: 9

Monday 3/4
        Work Day

 Wednesday 3/6
        Work Day

 Week: 10

Monday 3/11
        Final Projects Due

 Wednesday 3/13
        Create an install plan for exhibit.