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Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics

The Industrial Affiliates Program

Opportunities for Corporate Involvement

CCRMA hosts a wide variety of research and research teams. Joint university-industry projects in music synthesis began in the 70's with Yamaha and have branched into other areas, for example automatic music transcription research with Systems Control Technology in 1983. The list of corporate collaborators since that time is long and diverse including affiliates from the music technology, multi-media, computer manufacturing, semiconductor, networking, consumer electronics and entertainment industries.

Core research endeavors at CCRMA tend to be focused on long-term, even speculative studies. As a creative, idea-producing environment, results are equally likely to come from bursts of insight as from hard-won solutions which require combining many ways of looking at tough problems. It is in this spirit that we encourage research partners. Basic membership in 2006 is $50k annually and includes the following programs:
Open Questions
A new program. Since 2005, Universal Audio and Digidesign have participated by formulating research questions that can be used in CCRMA teaching. Communication directly between company engineers and students is encouraged. For CCRMA's part, student instruction gains a valuable experiential component driven by problems relevant to today's industries, and for the companies tough questions get aired in a new way. All results are shared completely and openly. Information about the Open Questions program is obtained by contacting Chris Chafe, CCRMA's Director.

Visitors Program
Engineers can come to the center for an extended period. Visiting engineers have joined existing CCRMA projects and have pursued new ones of mutual interest. Visitors take part fully in courses, colloquia, and paper authorship. Some enroll as Masters Degree students in the one-year Music, Science and Technology program.

General Participation
CCRMA is small enough that university-industry collaboration can be designed to fit the situation. Examples include passive members (receiving research updates), multi-site working groups (with on-campus / off-campus participants) and "lab days" for company teams bringing a specific agenda.
Since CCRMA's research publications are available online, all the above opportunities are geared more towards expanding the forces for problem-solving than for "coming up-to-speed" on a research topic. Summer Workshops continue to serve the corporate and general public for the latter.

Information about the Visitors and Masters Programs and general participation is obtained by contacting Tricia Schroeter, CCRMA's Administrator. Membership fees and in-kind contributions support graduate student fellowships and lab infrastructure.

If you would like to become an Affiliate of CCRMA and participate in this unique interaction between the university and industry, please contact:
 Chris Chafe, CCRMADirector

Japan affiliates  please contact:
Yoko Kamamatsu

©1996-2005 CCRMA, Stanford University. All rights reserved.