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Past Compositional Activities

The following composition entries were part of past versions of the CCRMA Overview and are being maintained here for historical purposes. This list is not comprehensive.

Composers and Works

Compositional works realized at CCRMA which have appeared in previous versions of the CCRMA Overview include the following:

Celso Aguiar

Ron Alford

Oded Ben-Tal

Jonathan Berger

Chris Burns

C. Matthew Burtner

Joanne D. Carey

Chris Chafe

Kui Dong

Janet Dunbar

Cem Duruoz

Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards and Marco Trevisani

R.J. Fleck

Doug Fulton

Nicky Hind

David A. Jaffe

Jun Kim

Tobias Kunze

Peer Landa

Seungyon-Seny Lee

Lukas Ligeti

Fernando Lopez Lezcano

Jose Montalvo

Jonathan Norton

Juan Carlos Pampin

Fiammetta Pasi

Jorge Sad

Craig Stuart Sapp

Bernd Hannes Sollfelner

Bob Sturm

Kotoka Suzuki

Marco Trevisani

Marek Zoffaj

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