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Saving Material


The archive command saves objects to a *.cm archive file. This next example saves all the objects in Top-Level:

Stella [Test]: up

Focus:    Top-Level
Type:     Container
Status:   System
Elements: 4

Stella [Top-Level]: archive * examples
Archiving /user/hkt/
Stella [Top-Level]: 
The default archive file is "" in your home directory. File names are merged against this default to produce the fully specified pathname for the archive. Archive stores the current output syntax along with the objects it saves so that the current syntax is restored when the archive is loaded. There are a few potential pitfalls to be aware of when archiving objects:

  1. If an object is saved without its parent, the links will be broken when the object is reloaded.
  2. Archive does not check for circularity.
  3. Saving an algorithm that uses global variables may cause problems if those variables are undefined when the object is later reloaded and run. Its usually safest to save algorithms in a text file as you develop them in a text editor.

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Last Modified: 5-Mar-1998