sequence {objects} {start[,repeat,pause]*} {stream}+ {option value}* [Command]

Sequences {objects} to {stream}, or to the currently open stream if {stream} is not specified. start is the start time offset for sequencing. repeat and pause are optionally specified number of times to sequence (defaults to 1) and the amount of pause to place between each reference (defaults to 0).

See open for a list of available {option value} pairs.


Sequence Foo and Bar at start time .5 seconds to the curretly open stream.
Stella [Top-Level]: seq foo,bar .5
Sequence Foo and Bar 3 times, with a start of 0 and pause .8 to test.sco:
Stella [Top-Level]: seq foo,bar 0,3,.8 test.sco play nil

See Also:

mix, run, tlist

Last Modified: 5-Mar-1998