new {type} {name | number}* {position}* {slot value}* [Command]

Creates one or more objects of type {type}. If {type} is a container class then only one object is created with an optional {name}. Otherwise {type} is a data class (such as midi-note, etc.) and {number} of these objects are created. If {number} may also be the token *, in which case the first expr in the {slot expr}* pairs is assumed to be an item stream whose period length determines the number of objects to create dynamically. The new objects are placed at {position}, which may be the name of a container or a container and index. If {position} is not specified, it defaults to Top-Level for containers and the current focus container or the Pasteboard for data.


Create new thread Foo and place at position 4 in Bar:
Stella [Top-Level]: new thread foo bar[4]
Append 5 new midi-notes to Foo:
Stella [Top-Level]: new midi-note 5 foo
Create 20 midi-notes with random notes:
Stella [Top-Level]: {new midi-note 20 foo[1] 
                      note (between 30 90) rhythm 1.0}

Last Modified: 5-Mar-1998