midifile-map pathname &key :tracks :header-fn :channel-message-fn :track-fn :system-message-fn :meta-message-fn [Function]
Maps optionally supplied functions over the contents of the MIDI file pathname. If :tracks is t all MIDI tracks in the file are mapped, otherwise :tracks should be a track number or list of track numbers to map. If :header-fn is supplied it is passed the MIDI file header information in 3 values: file-format number-of-tracks divisions. If :track-fn is supplied it is passed information about each track in 2 values: track-number length. If :channel-message-fn is supplied it is invoked on all channel messages in each track mapped. The function is passed 2 values: message time. If :meta-message-fn is supplied it is invoked on all meta event messages in each track mapped. The function is passed 4 values: message time data-length message-data. If :system-message-fn is supplied it is invoked on all system messages in each track mapped. The function is passed 4 arguments: message time data-length message-data

Last Modified: 5-Mar-1998