Constructing, Accessing, and Manipulating
Lists and Arrays in Common Lisp

    General Properties of lists
            -- with a description of the  quote  and  setf  functions used throughout this tutorial.

    Constructing Lists
            --Comparing textual representation of lists with their memory structures
            --NIL,  car,  cdr,  cons,  list,  append     
    Accessing Members of Lists
            --first,  rest
            --second,  third,  . . .  , tenth
            --last,  nthcdr,  butlast
            --Combining constructors and accessors

    List Predicates and Other Functions for manipulating lists

    Vectors and Vector Operations
            --vector and the symbol #
            --assigning values to a vector with setf and aref

    Quick Reference Page
            --a list of the functions explained in the above tutorial, with brief examples for each function.


©1998 Randal Leistikow. All Rights Reserved.