Homework 3
Leyth Toubassy
February 28th, 2023
Music 356 / CS470, Stanford University

Homework 3 - Wekinate Your World

For me, this assingment was about learning a bit more about wekinator and how different input schema can be unified over OSC. All three of these ideas just sort of popped into my mind and I tried to make it a reality. For the two projects using text output, they have a bunch of different fractional strings, for example, the xbox controller one isn't plotting the @ sign, it's picking the string where the @ is in the right place. Two of these could definitley have been done by just hardcoding instead of using wekinator, but I more wanted to use them just to see if a low code, training form of coding, could be comparable to actually just writing the code oneself.
Xbox Controller

In this one I wekinated a game controller! (something I unfortunatley use almost every day)


In this one I wekinated my sequencer from Music 256a, I think this one is my favorite, and the one that has the most future potential, I think this could be made into a really cool toy with more robust features. The everyday aspect here is my computer mouse

Zip with all neccesary files

The last wekination can be seen under the previous post (Just below this one!)

This project was a really fun one, I didn’t have that much time and as a result didn’t do anything super ambitious, but I liked that I was able to set a target for myself and actually reach it. I was rather surprised to find that the most difficult part was not actually the AI and the training that went with it, but instead just simply getting input into Wekinator. I used chuck for all of my input and output over osc and it was definitely a challenge to get something like the wireless xbox controller to read in correctly but it the end it was quite rewarding once it started reading correctly. This project really made me thing about the more harmless applications of AI, all of these little toys we created with Wekinator are just that, toys, and they’re really fun to play with. They do really simple things, but it’s really really cool seeing how software can exist which can be used in such a versatile way. A lot of what I did was simply mapping input to output, but it was really cool to design because all the input systems are interchangeable. You can use any of the three input methods I got to work, xbox controller, face osc, or mouse input, for any of the three toys: the smiley face, the grid, and the sequencer. Wekinator is a really really awesome tool, and is one that makes me less afraid of AI in the coming years. With the small data mindset and use of software like Wekinator, it's hard for me to imagine how it could be taken advantage of. Wekinator really let me pull together input and output without actually having to worry about the different non standard outputs, it really felt like all I had to do was show it what I needed it to do. At the beginning of the class I said that I thought machine learning and AI were misnomers that conjured images of hyper sophisticated machines, but maybe we aren’t as far off as I thought.

Homework 3 - Wekinate Your World (Checkpoint)
I've honestly just been messing around. I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out trying to get FaceOSC to register blinks, and couldn't quite get it to work. My little face has the ability to swap eyes but I just couldn't get wekinator to figure it out. All in all I like this little guy! I originally wanted the face to be displayed on an LED dot matrix on a wifi arduino I had lying around but figuring out a network to run it on became kind of annoying so I just adapted the idea to run in chuck. I think for my instrument toy I'm going to adapt my sequener from 256 to run on some simplified parameters tied to simple mouse input. I did a lot of weird optimizations to avoid uisng array syncers in chunity so a bunch of arrays are represented as integers meant to be read in binary, so I think it parameterizes nicely.