Printed book version:
Smith, Julius O. Physical Audio Signal Processing, W3K Publishing,, ISBN 978-0-9745607-2-4.
Web version:
Smith, J.O. Physical Audio Signal Processing,, online book, 2010 edition, accessed <date>.
Specific page citation example:
Smith, J.O. "Delay Lines", in Physical Audio Signal Processing,, online book, 2010 edition, accessed <date>.
Raw HTML example:
Smith, J.O. Physical Audio Signal Processing, <A HREF=""> <tt></tt></A>, online book, 2010 edition, accessed <date>.
BibTeX example (requires \usepackage{html} where html.sty comes from the latex2html distribution):
@BOOK{PASPWEB2010, AUTHOR = "Julius O. Smith", TITLE = "Physical Audio Signal Processing", PUBLISHER = "\htmladdnormallink{\texttt{http:}}{}\texttt{//\\-\~{}jos/\-pasp/}", YEAR = "accessed <date>", NOTE = "online book, 2010 edition" }
LaTeX citation example:
I like to cite the online book and add a footnote to the specific page, e.g.,
\cite{PASP}\footnote{\texttt{\~{}jos/pasp/Delay\_Lines.html}}Or, if you want live links in the HTML version of your own online material,