Final Project: a beginning discussion of relationship between math and music

In this final project, I am working on finding the relation between math sequences and music frequences

For Elise

In this part, I have used ChucK to generate For Elise and looking for the mathematical characteristic of the result sound wave. It appears that the sound wave has some sort of periodical quality.The beautiful music have the periodical math sequence,next, we want to see reversely that if a mathematically beautiful sequence can generate a somehow beautiful music

Beautiful sequence in math

In this part, I am looking for beautiful sequences in math that would generate beautiful music. I have tried several numerical sequence including prime number and Fibonacci. However, none of generated result seems to be beautiful.

Random Generated Music

The relationship of frequences of music and the sequence in math is mysterious,finnaly I used a random number generator to create a music piece. The result is surprisingly more beautiful compare to the result generated from the previous sequences. It appears that a beautiful music has some relation with the beauty of mathematics but it is difficult to find exact correlation.