Smyth, T., and J.O. Smith III. 2001. "Applications of Bioacoustics n Physical Modeling and the Creation of New Musical Instruments",  Proceedings of ISMA 2001, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Perugia, Italy, September 2001. pdf / ps

Smyth, T., and J.O. Smith III. 2001. "A Musical Instrument Based on a Bioacoustic Model of a Cicada", Proceedings of ICMC 2001, International Computer Music Conference, Havana, Cuba, September 2001. pdf / ps

De la Cuadra, P., T. Smyth, C. Chafe, H. Baoqiang.  2001. "Waveguide Simulation of Neolithic Chinese Flutes", Proceedings of ISMA 2001, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Perugia, Italy, September 2001. pdf / ps


Smyth, T., and J.O.Smith III. 2002. "Creating Sustained Tones with the Cicada's Rapid Sequential Buckling Mechanism", Proceedings of NIME 2002, Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression, Dublin, Ireland, May 2002. pdf / ps

Smyth, T., and J.O.Smith III. 2002. "The Sounds of the Avian Syrinx -- Are the Really Flute-like?", Proceedings of DAFX 2002, International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Hamburg, Germany, September 2002. pdf / ps

Smyth, T., and J.O.Smith III. 2002. "The Syrinx: Nature's Hybrid Wind Instrument", CD-ROM Paper Collection, Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics 2002, Acoustical Society of America, Cancun, Mexico, December 2002. pdf / ps


Smyth, T., Abel, J. and J.O.Smith III. 2003. "The Estimation of Birdsong Control Parameters Using Maximum Likelihood and Minimum Action," Proceedings of SMAC 2003, Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2003. pdf / ps

Abel, J. Smyth T., and J.O.Smith III. 2003. "A Simple, Accurate Wall Loss Filter for Acoustic Tubes," Proceedings of DAFX 2003, International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, London, England, Septemper 2003. pdf / ps

Smyth, T. Abel, J. and J.O.Smith III. 2003. "Discrete-Time Simulation of Air-Flow Cut-Off in Pressure-Controlled Valves," IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, New York, October 2003. pdf / ps

Smyth, T, Abel, J. and J.O.Smith III. 2003. "Feathering Collisions in Beating Reed Simulation," 146th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Austin, Texas, November 2003. Invited speaker.

Smyth, T and J.O.Smith III. 2003. "A Musical Controller Inspired by the Cicada's Efficient Buckling Mechanism," Journal of New Music Research, December 2003.


Smyth, T. Applications of Bioacoustics to Musical Instrument Technology. Ph.D. thesis. Stanford University. April 2004.