Sarah Collins

Music421/EE367B, HW 8


Bonus Lab: Cross-Synthesis

Cross-synthesis result: collhw8.wav


Music421/EE367B, HW 7


Problem 4: Bandpass Filtering for Noise Reduction and Dynamic Range Compression

Denoised output sound with dynamic range compression: collhw71.wav

Denoised output sound without dynamic range compression: collhw72.wav


Music421/EE367B, HW 5


Problem 1:

new: 1_weeeiiieew-donk_new.wav

Problem 3 (SNR of 60dB):

resynthesized (denoised): 3_wrenpn1_resynth.wav

Problem 6 (SNR of 0dB):

resynthesized (denoised): 6_wrenpn2_resynth.wav

Problem 8:

a) pitch decreased by factor of 4: 8a_wren_pitch_4.wav

b) stretched in time by factor of 2: 8b_wren_time_2.wav

extra: pitch decreased by factor of 4, stretched in time by factor of 2: 8_extra_wren_time_2_pitch_4.wav

extra: stretched in time by factor of 10: 8_extra_wren_time_10.wav

Problem 9:

resynthesized with three peaks: 9_peaches_3_peaks.wav