Completely Random

Music 220A Final Project

Michael Repper

Autumn Quarter 2009

Music 220A Final Project: Completely Random

My Goal

My goal in creating Completely Random is exactly how it sounds. I wanted to write a code that sounds completely random every time it is played. I wanted the code to use different frequencies, gains, effects, and instruments every time. I wanted the notes to be held for different lengths. I wanted some to crescendo and some to decrescendo (but never twice in a row). I have asked the code to pick a random number between two parameters at many different places throughout the piece, and based on the number it chooses, it will execute different lines of code.

The Code

I entered this course without a comprehensive course in computer programming, so the technicalities of ChucK were sometimes difficult for me. The code will always be developing as I learn more about the ChucK programming language, but for now it includes effects I became comfortable with through Music 220A. I incorporated many effects I didn't use in my homework assignments, but I also tried to make the most of the effects I was comfortable with. Here is the code:

Music 220A Final Project Code

Where to go from here?

Most of this code is fairly primitive, so here are some ways I plan to improve it as time goes on: Add more instruments, incorporate more reverb effects, mess with transposition more (although that is already done in the code), incorporate different sound effects, etc.