Matthew Burtner: store

Please email with any questions.
Many scores/recordings can be sent digitally saving on copying, handling and shipping costs.
No returns can be accepted.


For more information on the individual pieces please visit the catalog of works.
Part rentals or purchase can be arranged.

In order to perform Matthew Burtner's music in public, the score must be purchased here (digital or physical). Documented purchase of a score from this store grants the purchaser the public performance rights for that piece. In addition to this license, the performance rights for this music are registered with and managed by BMI.

Instrumentation / Version
Digital Price
(pdf scores/AIFF or WAV audio)
Physical Price
(bound paper scores/CD audio)
 Six Ecoacoustic Quintets  percussion quintet  NA  bound score and CD $60
 Iceprints  piano and electronics  digital pdf file and aiff audio file $16
 bound score and CD $24
 Syntax of Snow  glockenspiel and amplified snow  digital pdf file $10
 bound score $16
Kuik (Aria) soprano voice, percussion, audio/video DVD and computer processing pdf score and physical DVD: $15.95

bound score and DVD: $25.95

Sxueak squeaky toys and trajectory-based computer interaction 1-10 players (great piece for solo percussionist, or for an ensemble looking for something fun to play together) pdf score and digital software files: $15.95

bound score and CD of software files: $25.95

Pulling in the Light mandolin, 2 violins, cello, clarinet, trombone, and hand drum pdf score: $9.95

bound score: $15.95

 Windgrains  flute and percussion  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 (dis)Integrations  cello, piano and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Endprint  nine tenor saxophones
or one tenor sax and eight prerecorded parts
 pdf score and aiff file $12.95
  bound score and CD: $19.95
 Prismic Generations  struck and bowed pitched instruments, computer sound and video projection (flexible instrumentation, 1 to 10 players, often performed by percussionists with string instruments or piano, and great for mixed ensembles looking for a flexible instrumentation piece to play)  pdf score and physical DVD: $15.95
 bound score and DVD: $25.95
 Windprints  one to three solo flutes and indeterminate mixed ensemble  pdf score $9.95
bound score: $15.95
 (dis)Locations alto sax and DVD  pdf score and physical DVD: $15.95
 bound score and DVD: $25.95
 Aes/Aer  trombone and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Fragments from Cold  cello and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
That Which is Bodiless is Reflected in Bodies  version for Tibetan bowl and 8-channel computer sound    audio files on CD-R: $9.95
 That Which is Bodiless is Reflected in Bodies  version for percussion solo and stereo sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Broken Drum  brake drum and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Animus/Anima  soprano voice and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Somata/Asomata  string quartet and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Polyrhythmicana  flute, cello, guitar, percussion  pdf score and four mono aiff files: $14.95
 bound score, four CDs and performance CD-R: $21.95
 Snowprints  flute/picc, cello, piano and computer sound (CD)   pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Snowprints flute/picc, cello, piano and computer sound/video (DVD)  pdf score and physical DVD: $15.95
 bound score and DVD: $25.95
 Anugi Unipkaaq solo percussion, large bass drum (1 solo + 3 players), and stereo computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Anugi Unipkaaq version for solo percussion, large bass drum (1 solo + 3 players), and 8-channel computer sound  pdf score and physical CD-R: $15.95
 bound score and CD-R: $19.95
 Siku Unipkaaq  two glockenspiel (4 players) and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Siku Unipkaaq  version for two glockenspiel (4 players) and 8-channel computer sound  pdf score and physical CD-R: $15.95
 bound score and CD-R: $19.95
 Siknik Unipkaaq  percussion group (2-6 players) and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Siknik Unipkaaq  version percussion group (2-6 players) and 8-channel computer sound  pdf score and physical CD-R: $15.95
 bound score and CD-R: $19.95
Tingnikvik viola or violin, alto saxophone, piano and noise generators pdf score and aiff files: $12.95
bound score and 3 CDs: $19.95
Tingnikvik viola or violin, alto saxophone, piano, noise generators and video pdf score, aiff files and physical DVD: $15.95
bound score, 3 CDs and DVD: $25.95
 Signal Ruins 1  piano, percussion and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Signal Ruins 2  piano, percussion and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Signal Ruins (parts 1 and 2 together)  piano, percussion and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $15.95
 bound score and CD: $22.95
Kunikluk ensemble (picc, vln, vcl, pno, perc) and noise generators  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Portals of Distortion  nine tenor saxophones  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 Incantation S4-X  saxophone quartet and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 In a White Light  violin, piano and recorded arctic wind (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
 Views of a Landscape  soprano voice, violin, cello and piano  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 Mists  stones and noise (1-3 players)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and performance CD: 19:95
 Sikuigvik  piano and ensemble (fl/picc, ob, cl/bcl, bn, hn, 2vln, vla, vcl, db)  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 Taruyamaarutet  soprano voice, marimba, bass clarinet, computer  pdf score and computer files: $12.95
 bound score and CD-R: $19.95
 Rend  snare drum quartet and computer/bass drum  pdf score and computer files: $12.95
 bound score and CD-R: $19.95
 Circles  clarinet, bass clarinet, piano, percussion  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
Ricercare violin and bass drum  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 Variants  piccolo and low ensemble (bcl, cbn, tbn, tba, pno, perc, vcl, db)  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 The Zahir  soprano sax and chamber orchestra (  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
 Falls double bass and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
Split Voices saxophone (tenor/soprano) and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
Incantation S4 tenor sax and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
Cezanne Study piano solo  pdf score: $9.95
 bound score: $15.95
Incantation 1 cello and computer sound (CD)  pdf score and aiff file: $12.95
 bound score and CD: $19.95
99.99 (In)Stances 2 performers playing spoken voice and self-assembled table percussion.  

performance kit: bound steel score with custom magnets $151.50 or email to arrange rental

 Endprint  nine tenor saxophones

 pdf score: $9.95

bound score: $15.95


Digital Price (MP3 or AAC)
Physical Price (CD)
Metasaxophone Colossus S-Morphe-S, Delta 2, Noisegate 67, S-Trance-S, Delta 1, Endprint $0.99 per track - email list of tracks and format desired
$10.95: commercial CD
Portals of Distortion Portals of Distortion, Fern, Incantation S4, Split Voices, Glass Phase, Mists $0.99 per track - email list of tracks and format desired
$10.95: commercial CD
Mix CD specify works by email 0.99 per track - email list of tracks and format desired
$8.95: mix CD made to order