


Chuck Files

4-channel Player
Binaural Player
Other ChucK Files
These other files are files used for panning, set up, and recording output.

Audio Used

If you'd like to play the audio in ChucK using the 4 individual wav files, you can download those below

4 Channels of Audio

Below is a zip of all of the audio samples used to make up this radio play.

Miscellaneous Audio

Final Audacity Project


This piece is based on a piece of prose I wrote a couple of years back. That piece was kind of a little bit of romantic wish fulfillment for myself as well as an attempt to put onto the page my favorite place in my college town of Stillwater, OK: the dock at Lake McMurtry. It's nothing special, but at night, it's one of my favorite places. I've got a lot of stories from that dock involving meteor showers, going on dates, and accidentally dropping my smartphone under the dock.

While trying to create a story I thought worthy of radio, I figured that the phone bit was something to work with, and I wanted to do something without too much dialogue. So I dropped the romantic wish fulfillment and made myself a frustrated 20-something, so done with the game of love that he throws his phone out into the lake.