Music 220a Hw5

Hello World! This is the compositional piece for Hw5 with its 3 different sections Free, Rhythm and Scored exploiting several techniques as described below.

Final Sound file
Screen shot of Nature file with labels

Free Section

This has two parts.
(a) The first part is an amplitude tracking STK clarinet that is playing along to me and my friend playing table tennis. The game of table tennis has many timing variations and the clarinet explores those random events.
(b) The second part is me on the guitar with an amplitude frequency controlled FM synth, that closely follows the pitch changes in its own way.

Rhythm Section

(a) The first part is me playing random notes on the keyboard along with a spectrum centroid tracker where each note is triggered with cues from the nature recording of chirping birds.
(b) The second part is a Karplus strong algorithm producing notes to a simple chord progression.

Scored Section

This section has overlaying bird sounds and synthesized plucking for a simple tabla (indian drum) beat. It ends just like the nature recording with a man's voice saying "It's late". Echo and reverbs have been added for better effect and a grand finale"'"

Sound Samples

KarplusStrong Plucking
Table Tennis realtime Freq. tracking of guitar realtime
KS plucking to Tabla
Birds chirping
Keyboard events spectrum tracking

Chuck codes,, All with slight variations for instruments, parameters and input from sound buffers or adc.