Music 220a Hw1

Hello World! In the wake of the massive cyclone Phailin attacking my state of Orissa, India, I have sonified cyclone and temperature data to observe trends through mapped sound.

The Final Sonified .wav file

Cyclone Phailin

The Chuck files

Data Sources

Surface Temperature of New York (200 - 2004) Google trend results for Cyclone

Description of Project

I have taken the google trend results of "cyclone" keyword and the Surface temperature measurements at new york for a polyphonic sound. The temperature sound is a sinusoid oscillator with reverb and an envelope smoothing which runs continuously in the background. Since the temperature data is pseudo periodic we hear nice rising and lowering pitches. Both pitch and amplitude have been mapped to the time series (as was described in the example problem) The Cyclone trend time series is running a basic Karplus-Strong model and plays each time value as a string whose delay length and therefore pitch is controlled by the value itself. Fixing the time allowed for the buffer to get refilled with noise for a new plucking sound (for the next value) enables us to have a sort of tempo to the time series.