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Methods for Synthesizing Very High Q Parametrically Well Behaved Two Pole Filters

Max Mathews
Julius O. Smith III

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Department of Music, Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305

Stockholm Musical Acoustic Conference (SMAC)

Date: August 6-9, 2003

Sound Examples from the accompanying CD-ROM


Techniques for synthesizing two pole filters are well known. A number of techniques introduce unpleasant sounding transients in the filter response when the frequency or damping of the filter is rapidly changed. We will demonstrate a difference equation for a digital filter in which both the frequency and the damping can be changed without producing discontinuities in the filter output. The technique is based on the well known property of the product of complex numbers. In polar form, the magnitude of the product of two numbers is the product of their magnitudes and the angle of the product is the sum of their angles. Successive multiplies can produce a rotating vector whose real or imaginary parts are samples of constant amplitude sine waves or of exponentially damped sine waves. The frequency and damping of the resulting waves can be changed without changing the amplitude of the waves. These properties can be used to make a digital filter whose input, frequency, and damping can all be functions of time in a useful way. Two alternative structures are additionally proposed, having better numerical properties for low-cost fixed-point implementations. A program to demonstrate some musical applications of these filters will be shown.

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``Methods for Synthesizing Very High Q Parametrically Well Behaved Two Pole Filters'', by Max Mathews and Julius Smith, Proceedings of the Stockholm Musical Acoustics Conference (SMAC-03), pp. 405-408, August 6-9, 2003.
Copyright © 2008-03-12 by Max Mathews and Julius Smith
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA),   Stanford University
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