HW3 -- Jane Lange

(updated: added webkit audio context "monkey patch" for Safari 24-Oct-2017)

Binaural ambisonics method for Music 220a homeworks using web audio API's PannerNode unit generator and OmniTone decoder

Auditory Streaming and FM Study

There are 3 different types of FM sounds in this piece -- an "ambient" background of low pitches, a sweep up the harmonic series, and an auditory streaming demonstration. In the streaming demonstration, it starts out as a seemingly random pattern. The first melody starts to pop out in the right-side channels after a few cycles. Then, as the IOI becomes too short for the first melody to stay coherent, a second melody starts to pop out in the left-side channels. Both of these melodies are recognizable references to other songs -- so keep an ear out for easter eggs! The "big musical change" happens when the streaming part reaches its peak speed and cuts out to be replaced by the sweep up the harmonic series.

Attached is my ChucK code: >hw3-starter.ck

the files used in this piece are "hw3/fmChannel-0.wav", "hw3/fmChannel-1.wav", "hw3/fmChannel-2.wav", "hw3/fmChannel-3.wav"

(paths are relative to the directory that this file is in, hence the hw3/ prefix)