
This is my homepage at CCRMA. I was here as visiting researcher during the academic year 2009-2010. During that time, I worked closely with Jonathan Abel and Gautham Mysore. This resulted in a couple of conference papers on source separation with the PLCA algorithm using synthesized music scores as prior data.

Nowadays, I'm back at the VisionLab of the Physics department at the University of Antwerp, and continue my Ph.D research on how information from symbolic music data can be used to improve analysis of audio signals. My webpage there also contains a list of publications.

Source Separation by Score Synthesis (ICMC 2010)

This paper describes the basic design of a system for source separation of single channel music audio files, using its music score as prior information to guide the separation.

Download the paper here. For more details and example soundfiles, there is a separate page with more information.

Evaluation of a Score-informed Source Separation System (ISMIR 2010)

This paper presents a thorough evaluation of the performance of the previously proposed system, identifying its strengths and weaknesses with a wide variety of parameters and input data. Large-scale measurements using objective criteria were performed using a comprehensive test database. The database, which we created ourselves, is made available to the public free of charge and free to use.

Download the paper here. More information on the database and links to download it, can be found on this separate page.