May, 2006: Reel to Wheel submitted for consideration in NWEAMO festival

June 1: Installation completed, project presentation
Reel to Wheel was presented on a fine June afternoon on Stanford's campus to a group of fellow students, professors, composers, DIY-ers, and some curious on-lookers.

May 6: Project Confiscated by Police.

May 6: Began disassembling bicycles. We met outside CCRMA on friday evening with hacksaws, a dremel, wrenches, and other tools to begin cutting up the abandoned bicycles.

Steven, Sasha, and Jesse


Jesse disassembling bicycle


Jen with dremel

May 5: Both reel to reel to reel machines are working! Steven partially disassembled one of the machines, and figured out how the machine will fit into the system

April 28: Trip to Alan Steel in Redwood City. Alan Steel is a cross between a metal supply shop and a junkyard. We spent about an hour and a half wanding through the maze of metals and junk, finding all sorts of useful artistic junk: an broken parking meter, gears, signs, metal scraps, etc.

April 25: Picked up Mannequin in SF. We found this by placing an add on craigslist--we asked if anyone was willing to donate a mannequin to the cause of experimental music