@String{ cmj = "Computer Music Journal" } @String{ jasa = "The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America" } @String{ nime2003 = "NIME '03: Proceedings of the 3th international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression" } @String{ nime2005 = "NIME '05: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression" } @String{ nime2007 = "NIME '07: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression" } @String{ nime2003address = "Montreal, Canada" } @String{ nime2005address = "Vancouver, Canada" } @String{ nime2007address = "New York, NY, USA" } @String{ icmc = "Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference" } @String{ icmc1997address = "Thessaloniki, Greece" } @String{ icmc2002address = "Sweden" } @String{ icmc2003address = "Singapore" } @String{ icmc2004address = "Miami" } @String{ icmc2005address = "Barcelona" } @String{ icmc2008address = "Belfast, Northern Ireland" } @InCollection{ rasch1988:timing, Author = "Rasch, Rudolf A.", Crossref = "sloboda1988:generative", Pages = "70--90", Title = "Timing and Synchronization in Ensemble Performance" } @InCollection{ tanaka2006:interaction, Author = "Tanaka, Atau", Crossref = "ohara2006:consuming", Pages = "267--288", Title = "Interaction, Experience and the Future of Music" } @InCollection{ pierce1999:hearing, Author = "Pierce, John", Crossref = "cook1999:music", Pages = "89--103", Title = "Hearing in Time and Space" } @Article{ barbosa2003:displaced, Author = "Barbosa, Alvaro", Journal = "Leonardo Music Journal", Pages = "53--59", Title = "Displaced Soundscapes: A Survey of Network Systems for Music and Sonic Art Creation", Volume = "13", Year = "2003" } @Article{ cascone2000:post, Author = "Cascone, Kim", Journal = "Computer Music Journal", Number = "4", Pages = "12--18", Title = "The Aesthetics of Failure: \textquotedblleft Post-Digital\textquotedblright\ Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music", Volume = "24", Year = "2000" } @InProceedings{ chafe2004:effect, Author = "Chafe, Chris and Gurevich, Michael and Leslie, Grace and Tyan, Sean", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics", Location = "Nara, Japan", Title = "Effect of Time Delay on Ensemble Accuracy", Year = "2004" } @InProceedings{ chafe2002:physical, Author = "Chafe, Chris and Wilson, Scott and Walling, Daniel", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing", Location = "Orlando", Title = "Physical Model Synthesis with Application to Internet Acoustics", Year = "2002" } @Article{ follmer2005:electronic, Author = "F{\"{o}}llmer, Golo", Journal = "Organised Sound", Number = "3", Pages = "185--192", Title = "Electronic, Aesthetic and Social Factors in {Net} Music", Volume = "10", Year = "2005" } @Article{ gresham1998:aesthetics, Author = "Gresham-Lancaster, Scot", Journal = "Leonardo Music Journal", Pages = "39--44", Title = "The Aesthetics and History of the {Hub}: The Effect of Changing Technology on Network Computer Music.", Volume = "8", Year = "1998" } @Article{ weinberg2005:interconnected, Author = "Weinberg, Gil", Journal = "Computer Music Journal", Number = "2", Pages = "23--39", Title = "Interconnected Musical Networks: Toward a Theoretical Framework", Volume = "29", Year = "2005" } @Article{ hirsh1959:auditory, Author = "Hirsch, Ira J.", Journal = "The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America", Month = "June", Number = "6", Pages = "759--767", Title = "Auditory Perception of Temporal Order", Volume = "31", Year = "1959" } @Article{ divenyi2004:times, Author = "Divenyi, Pierre L.", Journal = "Seminars in Hearing", Number = "3", Pages = "229--239", Title = "The Times of {Ira} {Hirsh}: Multiple Ranges of Auditory Temporal Perception", Url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed\&cmd=Retrieve\&dopt=AbstractPlus\&list_uids=16479266\&query_hl=22\&itool=pubmed_ExternalLink", Volume = "25", Year = "2004" } @InProceedings{ chafe2003:distributed, Author = "Chafe, Chris", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the AES 24th International Conference", Location = "Banff, Alberta, Canada", Title = "Distributed Internet Reverberation for Audio Collaboration", Year = "2003" } @Book{ sloboda1988:generative, Address = "New York", Booktitle = "Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Performance, Improvisation, and Composition", Editor = "Sloboda, John A.", Publisher = "Oxford University Press", Title = "Generative Processes in Music: The Psychology of Performance, Improvisation, and Composition", Year = "1988" } @Article{ hounshell1975:elisha, Author = "Hounshell, David A.", Journal = "Technology and Culture", Month = apr, Number = "2", Pages = "133--161", Title = "Elisha Gray and the Telephone: On the Disadvantages of Being an Expert", Volume = "16", Year = "1975" } @InCollection{ hinton2007:jasager, Author = "Hinton, Stephen", Booktitle = "Grove {M}usic {O}nline", Editor = "Macy, L.", Note = "(Accessed 26 {M}arch 2007)", Title = "Jasager, {D}er", Url = "http://www.grovemusic.com", Year = "2007" } @Article{ bishoff1978:music, Author = "Bischoff, John and Gold, Rich and Horton, Jim", Journal = "Computer Music Journal", Month = dec, Number = "3", Pages = "24--29", Title = "Music for an Interactive Network of Microcomputers", Volume = "2", Year = "1978" } @Article{ pfordresher2002:effects, Author = "Pfordresher, Peter Q. and Palmer, Caroline", Journal = "Psychological Research", Pages = "71--79", Title = "Effects of Delayed Auditory Feedback on Timing of Music Performance", Volume = "16", Year = "2002" } @Article{ bartlette2006:effect, Author = "Bartlette, Christopher and Headlam, Dave and Bocko, Mark and Velikic, Gordana", Journal = "Music Perception", Number = "1", Pages = "49--62", Title = "Effect of Network Latency on Interactive Musical Performance", Volume = "24", Year = "2006" } @Article{ gates1974:effect, Author = "Gates, Anne and Bradshaw, John L. and Nettleton, Norman C.", Journal = "Perception \& Psychophysics", Number = "1", Pages = "21--25", Title = "Effect of Different Delayed Auditory Feedback Intervals on a Music Performance Task", Volume = "15", Year = "1974" } @InProceedings{ weinberg2002:aesthetics, Author = "Weinberg, Gil", Booktitle = "Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference", Date-Modified = "2007-12-28 17:18:35 -0800", Location = "G{\"{o}}teborg, Sweden", Pages = "349--356", Title = "The Aesthetics, History, and Future Challenges of Interconnected Music Networks", Year = "2002" } @InProceedings{ chafe2000:simplified, Author = "Chafe, Chris and Wilson, Scott and Leistikow, Randal and Chisholm, Dave and Scavone, Gary", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the COST G-6 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-00)", Location = "Verona, Italy", Month = dec, Title = "A Simplified Approach to High Quality Music and Sound Over {IP}", Year = "2000", Annote = "Test" } @InProceedings{ chafe2004:network, Author = "Chafe, Chris and Gurevich, Michael", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the AES 117th Convention", Location = "San Francisco", Title = "Network Time Delay and Ensemble Accuracy: Effects of Latency, Asymmetry", Year = "2004" } @Book{ ohara2006:consuming, Address = "London", Booktitle = "Consuming Music Together: Social and Collaborative Aspects of Music Consumption Technologies", Editor = "O'Hara, Kenton and Brown, Barry", Publisher = "Springer", Series = "Computer Supported Cooperative Work", Title = "Consuming Music Together: Social and Collaborative Aspects of Music Consumption Technologies", Volume = "35", Year = "2006" } @InProceedings{ xu2000:realtime, Author = "Xu, Aoxiang and Cooperstock, Jeremy R.", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society", Location = "Paris", Pages = "627--641", Title = "Real-Time Streaming of Multichannel Audio Data over {I}nternet", Year = "2000" } @Article{ chowning1973:fm, Author = "Chowning, John", Journal = "Journal of the Audio Engineering Society", Number = 7, Pages = "526--534", Title = "The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by means of Frequency Modulation", Volume = "21", Year = 1973 } @Article{ horner1993:genetic, Author = "Horner, Andrew and Beauchamp, James and Haken, Lippold", Journal = "Computer Music Journal", Month = "Winter", Number = "4", Pages = "17--29", Title = "Machine Tongues {XVI}: Genetic Algorithms and Their Application to {FM} Matching Synthesis", Volume = "17", Year = "1993" } @Article{ serra1990:spectral, Author = "Serra, Xavier and Smith, Julius O.", Journal = cmj, Month = "Winter", Number = 4, Pages = "12--24", Publisher = "{MIT} Press", Title = "Spectral Modeling Synthesis: A Sound Analysis/Synthesis System Based on a Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition", Volume = 14, Year = 1990 } @InProceedings{ hoffman2007:realtime, Address = nime2007address, Author = "Hoffman, Matt and Cook, Perry R.", Booktitle = nime2007, Doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1279740.1279807", Pages = "309--312", Publisher = "ACM", Title = "Real-time feature-based synthesis for live musical performance", Year = "2007" } @InProceedings{ terasawa2005:timbre, Author = "Terasawa, Hiroko and Berger, Jonathan and Smith, Julius O.", Booktitle = "Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference", Location = "Barcelona, Spain", Title = "Using A Perceptually Based Timbre Metric for Parameter Control Estimation in Physical Modeling Synthesis", Year = "2005" } @TechReport{ slaney1998:toolbox, Address = "Palo Alto, California, USA", Author = "Slaney, Malcolm", Institution = "Interval Research Corporation", Number = "1998-10", Title = "Auditory Toolbox, Version 2", Url = "http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/~malcolm/interval/1998-010/", Year = "1998" } @Electronic{ westonWWW:spider, Author = "Weston, Jason and Elisseeff, Andre and BakIr, G{\"{o}}khan and Sinz, Fabian", Title = "The {S}pider", Url = "http://www.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/bs/people/spider/main.html" } @Book{ attali1985:noise, title = "Noise: The Political Economy of Music", isbn = "0816612870", publisher = "University of Minnesota Press", author = "Attali, Jacques", month = jun, year = "1985", pages = "179" } @Article{ tanaka2004:telepresence, AUTHOR = "Tanaka, Atau", JOURNAL = "Neue Zetischrift", NOTE = "ed. Golo Foellmer", TITLE = "From Telepresence to Co-experience: A Decade of Network Music", YEAR = "2004" } @InProceedings{ tanaka1999:network, Author = "Tanaka, Atau", Booktitle = "Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference", Location = "San Francisco", Title = "Network Audio Performance and Installation", Year = "1999" } @MastersThesis{ sarkar2007:ma-thesis, title = "TablaNet: a Real-Time Online Musical Collaboration System for Indian Percussion", author = "Sarkar, Mihir", school = "MIT Media Lab", year = "2007", month = aug } @InProceedings{ sarkar2007:recognition, address = nime2007address, title = "Recognition and Prediction in a Network Music Performance System for {I}ndian Percussion", Booktitle = nime2007, publisher = "ACM", author = "Sarkar, Mihir and Vercoe, Barry", year = "2007", keywords = " indian percussions, music prediction, network music performance, real-time online musical collaboration, strokes recognition, tabla bols", pages = "317--320" } @Electronic{ WWW:ninjam, Title = "{NINJAM}: Realtime Music Collaboration Software", Url = "http://www.ninjam.com/", year = "2008", alias = "NINJAM" } @InProceedings{ bouillot2007:njam, author = "Bouillot, Nicolas", title = "n{J}am User Experiments: Enabling Remote Musical Interaction from Milliseconds to Seconds", booktitle = nime2007, year = "2007", pages = "142--147", location = "New York, New York", doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1279740.1279766", publisher = "ACM", address = nime2007address } @InProceedings{ bouillot2003:algorithme, address = "La Colle sur Loup, France", title = "Un algorithme d'auto synchronisation distribu{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{\'{e}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}e de flux audio dans le concert virtuel r{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{\'{e}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}parti", author = "Bouillot, Nicolas", booktitle = "Proc. of The Conference Francaise sur les Systemes d'Exploitation (CFSE'3)", location = "La Colle sur Loup, France", year = "2003", month = oct } @Article{ bouillot2004:consistency, author = "Bouillot, Nicolas and Gressier-Soudan, Eric", title = "Consistency models for distributed interactive multimedia applications", journal = "SIGOPS Operating Systems Review", volume = "38", number = "4", year = "2004", issn = "0163-5980", pages = "20--32", doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1031154.1031156", publisher = "ACM", address = "New York, NY, USA" } @Article{ bouillot2004:auditory, title = "The auditory consistency in distributed music performance: a conductor based synchronization", author = "Bouillot, Nicolas", journal = "ISDM (Information Science for Decision Making)", pages = "129--137", year = "2004", number = "13" } @TechReport{ bargar1998:networking, title = "{AES} white paper: {N}etworking audio and music using {I}nternet2 and next-generation {I}nternet capabilities", author = "Bargar, Robin and Church, Steve and Fukuda, Akira and Grunke, James and Keislar, Douglas and Moses, Bob and Novak, Ben and Pennycook, Bruce and Settel, Zack and Strawn, John and Wiser, Phil and Woszczyk, Wieslaw", institution = "AES: Audio Engineering Society", year = "1998" } @InProceedings{ fober2001:real, title = "Real time musical events streaming over Internet", abstract = "We present a novel protocol to transmit time ordered events in real-time over the Internet and to operate a correct time rendering on the receiver side. This protocol provides solutions to compensate for the network latency, to optimize the bandwidth use and to take account of the clock drift of the different stations involved in a transmission. It is particularly suitable to transmit musical events such as MIDI events. The implementation is based on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), however, the proposed solution is independent of the underlying network layers.", booktitle = "Web Delivering of Music, 2001. Proceedings. First International Conference on", journal = "Web Delivering of Music, 2001. Proceedings. First International Conference on", author = "Fober, D. and Orlarey, Y. and Letz, S.", year = "2001", keywords = "bandwidth use, clock drift, correct time rendering, digital continuous media, Internet, MIDI events, multimedia communication, music, musical events, network latency, network layers, protocol, protocols, real time musical event streaming, real-time systems, receiver side, time ordered events, UDP, User Datagram Protocol", pages = "147-154" } @InProceedings{ fober2002:clock, title = "Clock Skew Compensation over a High Latency Network", booktitle = icmc, author = "Fober, Dominique and Letz, St{\'{e}}phane and Orlarey, Yann", year = "2002", pages = "548--552", address = icmc2002address } @Article{ hajdu2005:quintet, author = "Hajdu, Georg", issn = "0024-094X", journal = "Leonardo", keywords = "composing, kibbyarc", month = feb, number = "1", pages = "23--30", publisher = "MIT Press", title = "Quintet.net: An Environment for Composing and Performing Music on the {I}nternet", volume = "38", year = "2005" } @InProceedings{ goto1997:rmpc, Title = "{RMCP}: {R}emote music control protocol - design and applications", booktitle = icmc, author = "Goto, Masataka and Neyama, Ryo and Muraoka, Yoichi", pages = "446--449", year = "1997", address = icmc1997address, location = icmc1997address } @Article{ goto2002:open, title = "Open Remote{GIG}: An Open-to-the-public Distributed Session System Overcoming Network Latency", author = "Goto, Masataka and Neyama, Ryo", journal = "Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan", volume = "43", number = "2", pages = "299--309", year = "2002", note = "(in Japanese)" } @InProceedings{ chafe1997:statistical, title = "Statistical Pattern Recognition for Prediction of Solo Piano Performance", booktitle = icmc, author = "Chafe, Chris", address = icmc1997address, location = icmc1997address, year = "1997", month = sep } @Electronic{ WWW:netvsnet, Title = "{N}et vs. {N}et", Url = "http://www.netvsnet.com/", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:ccrmaconcerts, Title = "{CCRMA} {C}oncert {S}eries", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/concerts/c_schedule.html", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:maxmsp, Title = "{M}ax/{MSP}", Url = "http://www.cycling74.com/products/maxmsp", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:jacktrip, Title = "JackTrip: Multimachine jam sessions over the {I}nternet2", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/", year = "2008", author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo" } @Electronic{ WWW:soundwire-slsq, Title = "Sound{WIRE} Research: {S}t. {L}awrence {S}tring {Q}uartet", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/research/", year = "2008", author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo" } @Article{ wright:2005open, title = "Open Sound Control: an enabling technology for musical networking", volume = "10", journal = "Organised Sound", author = "Wright, Matthew", year = "2005", pages = "193-200" } @Electronic{ wright:2002open, title = "Open Sound Control 1.0 Specification", year = "2002", type = "Web page", URL = "http://opensoundcontrol.org/spec-1_0", author = "Wright, Matthew" } @Electronic{ WWW:processing, Title = "Processing", Url = "http://processing.org/", year = "2008" } @InProceedings{ braasch2007:sharing, Author = "Braasch, Jonas and Valente, Daniel L. and Peters, Nils", Booktitle = "Proceedings of the 123th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society", Location = "New York, NY", Title = "Sharing Acoustic Spaces over Telepresence using Virtual Microphone Control", Year = "2007", month = oct } @Article{ rocchesso1997:circulant, title = "Circulant and elliptic feedback delay networks for artificial reverberation", volume = "5", abstract = "The feedback delay network (FDN) has been proposed for digital reverberation, The digital waveguide network (DWN) is also proposed with similar advantages. This paper notes that the commonly used FDN with an N?N orthogonal feedback matrix is isomorphic to a normalized digital waveguide network consisting of one scattering junction joining N reflectively terminated branches. Generalizations of FDNs and DWNs are discussed. The general case of a lossless FDN feedback matrix is shown to be any matrix having unit-modulus eigenvalues and linearly independent eigenvectors. A special class of FDNs using circulant matrices is proposed. These structures can be efficiently implemented and allow control of the time and frequency behavior. Applications of circulant feedback delay networks in audio signal processing are discussed", journal = "Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on", author = "Rocchesso, D. and Smith, J.O.", year = "1997", keywords = "acoustic delay lines, acoustic signal processing, acoustic waveguides, architectural acoustics, artificial reverberation, audio signal processing, audio signals, circuit feedback, circulant feedback delay networks, circulant matrices, digital filters, digital reverberation, digital waveguide network, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, elliptic feedback delay networks, filtering theory, frequency behavior, linearly independent eigenvectors, linear systems, lossless FDN feedback matrix, lossless linear systems, matrix algebra, orthogonal feedback matrix, recursive feedback comb filter, recursive filters, reflectively terminated branches, reverberation, scattering junction, time behavior, unit-modulus eigenvalues", pages = "51-63" } @Article{ moorer1979:about, title = "About This Reverberation Business", volume = "3", journal = "Computer Music Journal", author = "Moorer, James A", month = jun, year = "1979", pages = "13-28" } @InProceedings{ chafe2001:levels, title = "Levels of temporal resolution in sonification of network performance", year = "2001", publisher = "ICAD", author = "Chafe, Chris and Leistikow, Randal", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Auditory Display", location = "Helsinki" } @Electronic{ WWW:internet2, Title = "{I}nternet2", Url = "http://www.internet2.edu/", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:geant2, Title = "{G}eant2", Url = "http://www.geant2.net/", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:soundwire, Title = "{S}ound{WIRE} research group at {CCRMA}, {S}tanford {U}niversity", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/", year = "2008" } @Book{ quatieri2001:discrete-time, title = "Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing: Principles and Practice", isbn = "013242942X", publisher = "Prentice Hall PTR", author = "Quatieri, Thomas F.", month = nov, year = "2001", pages = "816" } @InProceedings{ raphael2001:bayesian, author = "Raphael, Christopher", title = "A bayesian network for real-time musical accompaniment", text = "C. Raphael. A bayesian network for real-time musical accompaniment. In T.G. Dietterich, S. Becker, and Z. Ghahramani, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS 14. MIT Press, 2002.", year = "2001", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2001 Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference", series = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems", editor = "Dietterich, Thomas G. and Becker, Suzanna and Ghahramani, Zoubin", volume = "14", publisher = "MIT Press" } @Article{ raphael2001:probabilistic, author = "Raphael, Christopher", title = "A Probabilistic Expert System for Automatic Musical Accompaniment", journal = "Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics", volume = "10", number = "3", pages = "487--512", year = "2001" } @PhDThesis{ collins2006:phd-thesis, author = "Collins, Nick", title = "Towards Autonomous Agents for Live Computer Music: Realtime Machine Listening and Interactive Music Systems", school = "University of Cambridge", year = "2006" } @InProceedings{ collins2006:towards, title = "Towards a Style-Specific Basis for Computational Beat Tracking", author = "Collins, Nick", year = "2006", booktitle = "Proceedings of International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC2006)", location = "Bologna" } @Book{ rowe1992:interactive, title = "Interactive Music Systems: Machine Listening and Composing", isbn = "0262181495", publisher = "MIT Press", author = "Rowe, Robert", month = oct, year = "1992", pages = "278" } @Book{ thaut2007:rhythm, edition = "1", title = "Rhythm, Music, and the Brain: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Applications", isbn = "041596475X", publisher = "Routledge", author = "Thaut, Michael", month = oct, year = "2007", pages = "247" } @InProceedings{ gurevich2004:simulation, title = "Simulation of Networked Ensemble Performance with Varying Time Delays: Characterization of Ensemble Accuracy", booktitle = icmc, author = "Gurevich, Michael and Chafe, Chris and Leslie, Grace and Tyan, Sean", year = "2004", address = icmc2004address } @Book{ cook1999:music, title = "Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound: An Introduction to Psychoacoustics", isbn = "0262531909", publisher = "MIT Press", editor = "Cook, Perry R.", year = "1999", pages = "384", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA" } @Article{ gardner1968:historical, title = "Historical Background of the {H}aas and/or Precedence Effect", volume = "43", journal = "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America", author = "Gardner, Mark B.", month = jun, year = "1968", pages = "1243--1248" } @InProceedings{ chew2005:segmental, title = "Segmental Tempo Analysis of Performances in Performer-Centered experiments in the Distributed Immersive Performance Project", Author = "Chew, Elaine and Sawchuk, Alexander and Tanoue, Carley and Zimmermann, Roger", year = "2005", booktitle = "Proceedings of International Conference on Sound and Music Computing '05 (SMC05)", location = "Salerno, Italy", month = nov } @Book{ duda2000:pattern, edition = "2 Sub", title = "Pattern Classification", isbn = "0471056693", publisher = "Wiley-{I}nterscience", author = "Duda, Richard O. and Hart, Peter E. and Stork, David G.", month = oct, year = "2000", pages = "654" } @InCollection{ murphy2002:dynamic, Author = "Murphy, Kevin P.", Title = "Dynamic Bayesian Networks", booktitle = "An Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models, in preparation", editor = "Jordan, Michael I." } @PhDThesis{ murphy2002:phd-thesis, Author = "Murphy, Kevin P.", title = "Dynamic Bayesian Networks: Representation, Inference and Learning", school = "University of California, Berkeley", year = "2002" } @Book{ bishop2007:pattern, edition = "1", title = "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning", isbn = "0387310738", publisher = "Springer", author = "Bishop, Christopher M.", month = oct, year = "2007", pages = "738" } @InProceedings{ caceres2008:playing, title = "Playing the Network: the Use of Time Delays as Musical Devices", author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo and Renaud, Alain B.", year = "2008", booktitle = icmc, pages = "244-250", address = icmc2008address, location = icmc2008address } @Unpublished{ caceres2007:sound, title = "Sound Design Learning for Frequency Modulation Synthesis Parameters", author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo", year = "2007", note = "Unpublished manuscript" } @Article{ cemgil2003:monte, AUTHOR = "Cemgil, Ali Taylan and Kappen, H. J.", TITLE = "{M}onte {C}arlo Methods for {T}empo {T}racking and {R}hythm {Q}uantization", JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research", YEAR = "2003", VOLUME = "18", PAGES = "45-81", ABSTRACT = "We present a probabilistic generative model for timing deviations in expressive music performance. The structure of the proposed model is equivalent to a switching state space model. The switch variables correspond to discrete note locations as in a musical score. The continuous hidden variables denote the tempo. We formulate two well known music recognition problems, namely tempo tracking and automatic transcription (rhythm quantization) as filtering and maximum a posteriori (MAP) state estimation tasks. Exact computation of posterior features such as the MAP state is intractable in this model class, so we introduce Monte Carlo methods for integration and optimization. We compare Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (such as Gibbs sampling, simulated annealing and iterative improvement) and sequential Monte Carlo methods (particle filters). Our simulation results suggest better results with sequential methods. The methods can be applied in both online and batch scenarios such as tempo tracking and transcription and are thus potentially useful in a number of music applications such as adaptive automatic accompaniment, score typesetting and music information retrieval." } @Article{ tahboub2006:intelligent, Author = "Tahboub, Karim A.", title = "Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks Probabilistic Intention Recognition", journal = "Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems", volume = "45", number = "1", year = "2006", issn = "0921-0296", pages = "31--52", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10846-005-9018-0", publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", address = "Hingham, MA, USA" } @Article{ inagaki2004:human, title = "Human supervision and control in engineering and music: similarities, dissimilarities, and their implications", volume = "92", issn = "0018-9219", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2004.825876", abstract = "The human supervisory control model has been used successfully for decades and in numerous contexts to describe human interaction with complex technical systems. Recently, it has been argued that supervisory control modeling can also be applied in a musical context, to describe the interaction between a conductor and an orchestra. This paper reviews a range of applications of supervisory control modeling. Further, the authors attempt to identify similarities and dissimilarities between its use in technical and musical settings. The aim is to identify valuable knowledge and experience from the musical field. Such experience could be used to enrich the design of interaction between humans and complex technical systems. The key to successful knowledge transfer is the general applicability of human supervisory control modeling.", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", author = "Inagaki, Toshiyuki and Stahre, Johan", year = "2004", keywords = "complex technical systems, conductor-orchestra interaction, decision making, human factors, human supervisory control modeling, human-complex technical systems interaction, man-machine systems, music, musical context, musical field, musical settings", pages = "589--600" } @Article{ sheridan2004:musings, title = "Musings on music making and listening: supervisory control and virtual reality", volume = "92", issn = "0018-9219", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2004.825879", abstract = "This paper offers two perspectives on the relation between music and supervisory control. The first is that music making can be viewed as a three-level hierarchy of control and feedback interactions. The top level is the composer or conductor interacting through hand and auditory signals with the musician's conscious (higher brain level) activity. The mid level is internal to the musician, the higher brain centers interacting with the musician's subconscious neuromuscular activity. The lowest level is the musician's neuromuscular system interacting with the musical instrument. At each level there are constraints that are discussed in the paper. A second perspective refers to a phenomenon of music listening, its capability to engender a sense of virtual reality (or virtual presence) in much the same way that observing a computer-generated visual scene can make an observer feel present in a place other than where he or she is physically located.", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE", author = "Sheridan, T.B.", year = "2004", keywords = "auditory signals, brain centers, computer generated visual scene, hand signals, music, music composer, music listening, music making, musical instrument, musicians subconscious neuromuscular activity, neuromuscular system, supervisory control, three level hierarchy, virtual reality", pages = "601--605" } @Article{ johannsen2002:human, author = "Johannsen, Gunnar", title = "Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music - Foundations and Transdisciplinary Views", journal = "Journal of New Music Research", volume = "31", number = "3", year = "September 2002", abstract = "Views of engineering and music professionals into the transdisciplinary field of human supervision and control are contrasted. Foundations of this field are introduced, and an overview is presented based on all important aspects from the International Workshop on \&\#147;Human Supervision and Control in Engineering and Music\&\#148; held in September, 2001 in Kassel. The main concept of supervisory control is illustrated with engineering applications, particularly in humanmachine(-computer) interaction, as well as applied to music performance. Several activities in the performing arts and in industrial engineering are compared. Composition, analysis, and performance are discussed in more detail, in relation to the scientifically embedded concert of the workshop and its four works from three continents, including computer music with live performance as well as Japanese aesthetics. Performance theory and performance tools are also mentioned. Sensorimotor, gestural, and cognitive control are outlined, briefly supplemented by visual and auditory supervision. Finally, sound design and musical information retrieval are also identified as aspects of human supervision and control.", pages = "179--190", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1076/jnmr." } @PhDThesis{ cemgil2004:phd-thesis, AUTHOR = "Cemgil, A. T.", TITLE = "Bayesian {M}usic {T}ranscription", SCHOOL = "Radboud University of Nijmegen", YEAR = "2004", OPTKEY = "", OPTTYPE = "", OPTADDRESS = "", OPTMONTH = "", OPTNOTE = "", OPTANNOTE = "", PDF = "papers/cemgil-thesis.pdf", ABSTRACT = "Music transcription refers to extraction of a human readable and interpretable description from a recording of a music performance. The final goal is to implement a program that can automatically infer a musical notation that lists the pitch levels of notes and corresponding score positions in any arbitrary acoustical input. However, in this full generality, music transcription stays yet as a very hard problem and is arguably ``AI-complete'', i.e. requires simulation of a human level intelligence. On the other hand, under some realistic assumptions, a practical engineering solution is possible by an interplay of scientific knowledge from cognitive science, musicology, musical acoustics and computational techniques from artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital signal processing. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to integrate this vast amount of prior knowledge in a consistent and transparent computational framework and to demonstrate the feasibility of such an approach in moving us closer to a practical solution to music transcription.\\ In this thesis, we approach music transcription as a statistical inference problem where given a signal, we search for a score that is consistent with the encoded music. In this context, we identify three subproblems: Rhythm Quantization, Tempo Tracking and Polyphonic Pitch Tracking. For each subproblem, we define a probabilistic generative model, that relates the observables (i.e. onsets or audio signal) with the underlying score. Conceptually, the transcription task is then to ``invert'' this generative model by using the Bayes Theorem and recover back the original score." } @article{ lee1951:artificial, title = {Artificial stutter}, volume = {16}, journal = {The Journal of speech disorders}, author = {B. S. Lee}, month = mar, year = {1951}, note = {PMID: 14804701}, keywords = {Speech Therapy}, pages = {53-5} } @article{ fairbanks1958:effects, title = {Effects of delayed auditory feedback upon articulation}, volume = {1}, issn = {00224685}, journal = {Journal of speech and hearing research}, author = {G. Fairbanks and N. Guttman}, month = mar, year = {1958}, note = {PMID: 13576494}, keywords = {Speech}, pages = {12-22} } @article{ kalmus1955:effect, title = {Effect of Delayed Acoustic Feed-back on some Non-vocal Activities}, volume = {175}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/1751078a0}, journal = {Nature}, author = {H. Kalmus and P. Denes and D. B. Fry}, month = jun, year = {1955}, pages = {1078} } @article{ howell1983:amplitude, title = {Amplitude contour of the delayed signal and interference in delayed auditory feedback tasks}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, Journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance}, author = {Howell, Peter and Powell, David J. and Khan, Ian}, month = oct, year = {1983}, pages = {772--784} } @article{ palmer1997:music, type = {review-article}, title = {MUSIC PERFORMANCE}, journal = {Annual Review of Psychology}, volume = {48}, author = {Caroline Palmer}, month = feb, year = {1997}, pages = {115--138}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.psych.48.1.115} } @article{ ferrell1967:supervisory, title = {Supervisory control of remote manipulation}, journal = {IEEE Spectrum}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, author = {William R. Ferrell and Thomas B. Sheridan}, month = oct, year = {1967}, pages = {81--88} } @article{ repp1999:effects, title = {Effects of auditory feedback deprivation on expressive piano performance}, journal = {Music Perception}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, author = {Repp, Bruno H.}, month = sum, year = {1999}, pages = {409--438} } @article{ chen2002:spectral, title = {Spectral decomposition of variability in synchronization and continuation tapping: Comparisons between auditory and visual pacing and feedback conditions}, volume = {21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V8T-47733K6-4/2/ef1a7e5a63600138853bcd8f333b84aa}, doi = {10.1016/S0167-9457(02)00138-0}, journal = {Human Movement Science}, author = {Yanqing Chen and Bruno H. Repp and Aniruddh D. Patel}, month = oct, year = {2002}, keywords = {Continuation tapping,Modality differences,Sensorimotor coordination,Spectral analysis,Synchronization,Timing,Variability}, pages = {515-532} } @inproceedings{ caceres2005:scuba, author = {Juan-Pablo C\'{a}ceres and Gautham J. Mysore and Jeffrey Trevi{\~{n}}o}, title = {{SCUBA}: the Self-Contained Unified Bass Augmenter}, booktitle = nime2005, year = {2005}, pages = {38--41}, Address = nime2005address } @misc{ caceres2006:orquesta, howpublished = {Audio CD}, title = {{o}rquesta}, publisher = {Innova}, author = {Juan-Pablo C\'{a}ceres}, year = {2006}, url = "http://www.innova.mu/artist1.asp?skuID=256" } @PhDThesis{ thornburg2005:phd-thesis, author = "Harvey Thornburg", title = "Detection and Modeling of Transient Audio Signals with Prior Information", school = "Stanford University", year = "2005" } @Electronic{ WWW:cernet2, Title = "{CERNET}2", Url = "http://www.edu.cn/cernet%202_1382/", year = "2008" } @book{ peterson2003:computer, edition = {3}, title = {Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3rd Edition}, isbn = {155860832X}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, author = {Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie}, month = may, year = {2003}, pages = {813} } @Electronic{ WWW:cenic, Title = "Corporation for {E}ducation {N}etwork {I}nitiatives in {C}alifornia, {CENIC}", Url = "http://www.cenic.org/", year = "2008" } @misc{ liang1992:inc, type = "Compact Disc", title = "In {C}", publisher = "Celestial {H}armonies", howpublished = "Audio CD", author = "David Mingyue Liang and Terry Riley and {Shanghai Film Orchestra}", month = nov, year = "1992" } @InProceedings{ wang2003:chuck, title = "Chuc{K}: A Concurrent, On-the-fly, Audio Programming Language", booktitle = icmc, author = "Ge Wang and Perry R. Cook", year = "2003", address = icmc2003address } @Electronic{ WWW:stk, Title = "The {S}ynthesis {T}oolKit in {C}++ ({STK})", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/", year = "2007", author = "Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone" } @Electronic{ WWW:stanford-panaisian, Title = "{S}tanford {P}an-{A}sian {M}usic {F}estival", Url = "http://panasianmusicfestival.stanford.edu/", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:slork, Title = "{S}tanford {L}aptop {O}rchestra ({SLOrk})", Url = "http://slork.stanford.edu/", year = "2008", author = "Ge Wang" } @Electronic{ WWW:planetccrma, Title = "Planet {CCRMA}", Url = "http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/", year = "2008", author = "Fernando Lopez-Lezcano" } @misc{ riley1964:inc, howpublished = "Musical score", title = "In {C}", author = "Terry Riley", year = "1964" } @InProceedings { wright2003:osc, Booktitle = nime2003, title = {Open{S}ound {C}ontrol: State of the Art 2003}, year = {2003}, pages = {153--159}, address = nime2003address, abstract = {OpenSoundControl (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. OSC has achieved wide use in the field of computer-based new interfaces for musical expression for wide-area and local-area networked distributed music systems, inter-process communication, and even within a single application.}, URL = {http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/publications/open_sound_control_state_art_2003}, author = {Wright, Matthew and Freed, Adrian and Momeni, Ali} } @Electronic{ WWW:vlc, Title = "Video{LAN} ({VLC})", Url = "http://www.videolan.org/", year = "2008" } @InProceedings{ caceres2008:china, title = "To the Edge with China: Explorations in Network Performance", author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo and Hamilton, Robert and Iyer, Deepak and Chafe, Chris and Wang, Ge", year = "2008", pages = "61--66", booktitle = "{ARTECH} 2008: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Arts", address = "Porto, Portugal", location = "Porto, Portugal", isbn = "978-989-95776-3-3" } @article{ gulliver2007:perceptual, title = {The Perceptual and Attentive Impact of Delay and Jitter in Multimedia Delivery}, volume = {53}, issn = {0018-9316}, doi = {10.1109/TBC.2007.896955}, abstract = {In this paper we present the results of a study that examines the user's perception-understood as both information assimilation and subjective satisfaction-of multimedia quality, when impacted by varying network-level parameters (delay and jitter). In addition, we integrate eye-tracking assessment to provide a more complete understanding of user perception of multimedia quality. Results show that delay and jitter significantly affect user satisfaction; variation in video eye path when either no single/obvious point of focus exists or when the point of attention changes dramatically. Lastly, results showed that content variation significantly affected user satisfaction, as well as user information assimilation.}, journal = {Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on}, author = {S.R. Gulliver and G. Ghinea}, year = {2007}, keywords = {Computer interface human factors,delay,delays,eye-tracking assessment,information assimilation,jitter,multimedia communication,multimedia delivery,multimedia quality,network-level parameters,quality of service,subjective satisfaction,tracking,user centered design,user perception,video eye path}, pages = {449-458} } @Electronic{ WWW:anet2, Title = "{T}he {B}anff {C}entre {P}rograms---{ANET II}: {H}igh {Q}uality {A}udio over {N}etworks {S}ummit", Url = "http://www.banffcentre.ca/programs/program.aspx?id=721", year = "2008" } @article{ anguelov2005:scape, author = {Anguelov, Dragomir and Srinivasan, Praveen and Koller, Daphne and Thrun, Sebastian and Rodgers, Jim and Davis, James}, citeulike-article-id = {3210902}, journal = {ACM Trans. Graph}, keywords = {2005, vision, vision-3d}, pages = {408--416}, posted-at = {2008-09-09 22:36:36}, priority = {2}, title = { {SCAPE}: shape completion and animation of people}, url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}, volume = {24}, year = {2005} } @Electronic{ WWW:SARCnetperf, Title = "{S}onic {A}rts {R}esearch {C}enter ({SARC}): {N}etwork {P}erformance", Url = "http://www.sarc.qub.ac.uk/main.php?page=projects&projID=22", year = "2008" } @UNPUBLISHED{ chafe2009:musical, author = "Chafe, Chris and C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo", title = "Musical Ensemble Accuracy Requires Time Delay", note = "In preparation", month = feb, year = 2009 } @Electronic{ WWW:jackaudio, Title = "{JACK}: Connecting a world of audio", Url = "http://jackaudio.org/", year = "2009" } @InProceedings { letz2005:jack, EDITOR = "ICMA", TITLE = "Jack audio server for multi-processor machines", AUTHOR = "St{\'{e}}phane Letz and Yann Orlarey and Dominique Fober", booktitle = icmc, address = icmc2005address, PAGES = {1--4}, YEAR = 2005 } @article{ karplus1983:digital, title = {Digital Synthesis of {Plucked-String} and Drum Timbres}, volume = {7}, issn = {01489267}, number = {2}, journal = {Computer Music Journal}, author = {Kevin Karplus and Alex Strong}, year = {1983}, pages = {43--55} } @book{ stevens2003:unix, edition = {3}, title = {Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking {API} (3rd Edition)}, isbn = {0131411551}, publisher = {{Addison-Wesley} Professional}, author = {W. Richard Stevens and Bill Fenner and Andrew M. Rudoff}, month = nov, year = {2003} } @book{ comer2005:internetworking, edition = {5}, title = {Internetworking with {TCP/IP,} Vol 1}, isbn = {0131876716}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, author = {Douglas E. Comer}, month = jul, year = {2005} } @Electronic{ WWW:openflow, Title = "The {O}pen{F}low {S}witch {C}onsortium", Url = "http://www.openflowswitch.org/", year = "2008" } @Electronic{ WWW:qt, Title = "Qt {S}oftware", Url = "http://www.qtsoftware.com/", year = "2008--2009" } @Electronic{ WWW:internet2-dynamic, Title = "{I}nternet2 {D}ynamic {C}ircuit {N}etwork", Url = "http://www.internet2.edu/network/dc/", year = "2009" } @UNPUBLISHED{ caceres2009:jacktrip, author = "C{\'{a}}ceres, Juan-Pablo and Chafe, Chris", title = "{J}ack{T}rip: Under the Hood of an Engine for Network Audio", note = "Submitted for publication", month = feb, year = 2009 }