Malcolm Slaney, Jonathan Berger and I are trying to build a model for human perception of timbre from a general and practical perspective.
Please find an updated bibliography and pdf files HERE.
We describe a perceptual space for timbre, define an objective metric that takes into account perceptual orthogonality and measure the quality of timbre interpolation. We discuss three timbre representations and measure perceptual judgments. We determine that a timbre space based on Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) is a good model for a perceptual timbre space.
My PhD Thesis (pdf)
"A Hybrid Model for Timbre Perception: Quantitative Representations of Sound Color and Density."
SAPA 2006 Paper (pdf)
"A statistical model of timbre perception"
ICMPC 2006 Paper (pdf)
"Determining the Euclidean Distance Between Two Steady State Sounds"
IEEE WASPAA 05 paper (pdf)
"The Thirteen Colors of Timbre"
Interspeech05 paper (pdf)
"A Timbre Space for Speech"
ASJ/MA summer workshop 05 (pdf)
"Perceptual Distance in Timbre Space (in Japanese)"
ICAD05 paper (pdf)
"Perceptual Distance in Timbre Space"