Carl Michnovicz - HW 1

This is a sonification of the annual immigration rate to the united states between 1820 and 1962. I decided to approach this from a slightly contrapuntal standpoint, creating a Bach-ish canon with 6 sine oscillators. In reality, it's more like 3 sine oscillators, since each channel (left, right, middle) has two oscillators slightly separated in pitch. I separated the entrances by 1.5 seconds and had the bass come in last to give it a sort of Bach-like aesthetic. The separation of pitches gives the tones an interesting effect with the slight beating that arises. I used the sine oscillator not out of laziness but because frankly, I prefer it's sound and blending quality over most midi instruments. The effects of the slight beating on the sine wave are also more interesting to me here. I also had a little fun with a perl script that would easily convert the csv files into dat files, extracting only the data points and getting rid of the times and other extraneous information.
