Gustav Brodman

I didn't change much about the chuck files. I made very minor changes to multiTrackers and also very minor changes to amplitudeFrequencyTracker but those weren't too major.

Intermediate files:

Free part 1, using the multiTracker
Free part 2, using the amplitudeFrequencyTracker
Part 1 of the nature recordings. The sound I have doesn't really sound like nature, so use your imagination.
Part 2 of the nature recordings.
For the next part, I used a sample from "Alive" by Daft Punk, which itself samples their songs "Robot Rock" and "Oh Yeah". The first .wav file was me feeding the audio of the song back in to the FFT to get the results and playing those (modulating the song) and the second is me manually adding things to the song.

The auto accompaniment
The manual accompaniment

The end result, created in Audacity by messing around with the other tracks.